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Skimmerking 03-15-2010 01:51 AM

had it stolen Cell phone any one have another one LG rumor 260
Looking to get another one had mine stolen in Brandon, I let my 9 yr old son take my cell so when it was time to come home from playing hockey he could call me. a bunch of bigger teens took the phone from his bag. now i have now phone and with important numbers. SO i need a cell phone that you can text with the slide like the LG rumor phone.

PoonTang 03-15-2010 01:56 AM

Aw geez man that sucks. Did you manage to get the account shut down before they racked up a huge bill?

banditpowdercoat 03-15-2010 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by asmodeus (Post 501770)
Looking to get another one had mine stolen in Brandon, I let my 9 yr old son take my cell so when it was time to come home from playing hockey he could call me. a bunch of bigger teens took the phone from his bag. now i have now phone and with important numbers. SO i need a cell phone that you can text with the slide like the LG rumor phone.

Damn Mike, thats horrible. What's up with kids these days? What do they think they are going to do with a phone? You deactivate it and they can't use it, right? there all coded?

But as far as Phones, I have a LG Keybo, my bud has a Keybo2 They pretty good phones, side flip, full qwerty keboards. My Wife has a slide LG but can't remember the name. It's Pink is all I know LOL

Skimmerking 03-15-2010 02:07 AM

ya i got home and disabled it my 9 year old felt pretty bad, I told him its alright.

just i really liked that phone for texting to the misses and others since I have sausage fingers lol

cav~firez22 03-15-2010 05:25 AM

I got a spare LG Rumor 260. Its currently a bell phone, if that works for you.


Skimmerking 03-15-2010 10:40 AM

oh ya what color is it, and is it in good working cond. just asking i wouldnt want a pink phone lol

Doug 03-15-2010 12:48 PM

Aww, cmon Mike. Pink would be nice for you. :lol:

cav~firez22 03-15-2010 03:17 PM

Lol. Its black and blue.
comes with AC Charger,
and Car Charger kit.

I bought it 3 months ago, but decided to switch carriers.

phone is in great to mint condition.

Need photos?

Skimmerking 03-15-2010 10:50 PM

pming u

fishoholic 03-16-2010 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by asmodeus (Post 501770)
now i have no phone and lost important numbers.

I'll say you lost some important numbers, mine were in there :wink: But seriously I'm sorry your phone got stolen, that sucks.


Originally Posted by Doug (Post 501873)
Aww, cmon Mike. Pink would be nice for you. :lol:

I agree Doug, I think pink is his colour :razz:

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