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Aquaria 03-09-2010 09:53 PM

So my pepperment shrimp is gone?? Got 2 clowns and various lps/softies crabs emerald crab and blue knuckle are the biggest sooo what do u thnk happened perams are where they should be

andestang 03-09-2010 10:05 PM

How long has it been missing ? They love to hide, lucky to see mine once a week or longer. Did you acclimatize him real slow ?

Kevotron 03-09-2010 10:37 PM

I use to have 3 cleaner shrimps 1 peppermint
then over the course of a year the peppermint was gone then 2 cleaners...
i think sometimes is expected that ur tankmates will attack/eat them...
is like sticking 10 guys in a jail cell.. someone will fight and be injured or die..

bvlester 03-09-2010 11:36 PM

I see my cleaner shrimp all the time but the pepermint I get to see after lights out on a regular basis.otherwise they are hiding.


Aquaria 03-10-2010 01:38 AM

its been about 1 week mabey more since last sighting i also checked at night but no luck hes been in there about 3 months and was doing good. weird thing is also no body i know i got big bristle worms but that fast :P

Leah 03-10-2010 01:54 AM

I have added at least 4 peppermints and they have all vanished as well. :sad:

Murminator 03-10-2010 02:50 AM

I put 3 in my tank and they went missing over a year.Then one day one popped his head to say hi.......only time I have seen any of they since it put them was a huge shock

fishytime 03-10-2010 03:58 AM

peppermints dont like bright light, so are mostly nocturnal in our tanks.....

bvlester 03-10-2010 04:36 AM

things disappearing is going around on a few boards now. maybe its the invasion of the body snatchers...:new-alie::smilecol::new-alie:


cordeiro 03-10-2010 04:56 AM

I know whats going on... seen it happen.... i had 2 cleaners and 2 peps, what happens is when the shrimp start to lose there skin the crabs start to eat them because there not moving much.... now have to get new ones... the worst hermit is the zebra ones... there even going after my blue knucle's aswell

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