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Gooly001 03-09-2010 03:46 AM

All work+No Play=Boring..So O.C. Group Dive!!

Well with all the hard work we've put in these last few months, I feel that I deserve a day of fun!!

I have spoken with a few of you in regards to getting together and doing a group dive so this is the plan:


March 27th, 2010


08:00-Whenever we get done


Whtyecliff Park or Porteau Cove depends on Visibility.

This should give some people time to get in the pool with your local dive shop for a refresher.

Another idea is to go for a first dive and then go scuba crabbing on the second dive. You would need to get your crabbing permit and I'll check to see if it is open season and we could go back to my place and have a crab fest for dinner.

Anyways, it would be nice to get out and dive with all of you and have some other fun besides reef.

Please Post here if you have any ideas or comments or express interest to join us.

As an incentive to come out we will have some draws for prizes.



imisky 03-09-2010 04:07 AM

Paul you SUCK! i wish i could go but i dont have time... equipment...nor do i have my permit hahaha. Always wanted to get on

Gooly001 03-09-2010 04:09 AM

Well Eugene,

If you hurry and take a leave from your courses, you CAN get certified within 2 weeks.

Who needs an education when all you live for is to go DIVING!!



Haloreef 03-09-2010 08:43 PM

I'm in lets go! I sooo love my dry suit!
I may have a few extra full tanks if any one needs one. I will have to check.
I have not been wet past my elbows in salt water in too long.

Jason McK 03-09-2010 08:50 PM

I'm in!
I'm heading to FL for some diving on Saturday but I'll be back in time for that

I've just finished my DM course but don't have the ticket yet and have done about 150 -160 dives. What is everyone else experience like?


lockrookie 03-09-2010 08:50 PM

living in sask sux i need to move to the coast

muck 03-09-2010 08:51 PM

Wicked Awesome Paul!!
Some day I've gotta get a West Coast Dive in with you guys.

Do you take a camera when you dive? I'd love to see some pitchures.. :razz:

Snappy 03-09-2010 09:17 PM

I am very interested in this. I have my advanced certification but have never actually done any cold water dives. I would assume there's a dive shop that I can rent a dry suit & equipment I'll need. Please let me know more details. Thanks.

Jason McK 03-09-2010 09:22 PM

Are you heading out this way Greg?

Yes there are a ton of dive shops in the GVRD. My personal fav is Ocean Quest


Delphinus 03-09-2010 11:21 PM

I would love to come out one day too. March 27 is way too soon for me though, got way too much going on and just came back from a warm place destination where I did some diving anyhow. But perhaps one day I can join you guys out there.

I think it would be way cooler to have a Canreef Cozumel Dive Trip some day .. although it wouldn't be colder, just cooler. And maybe more expensive than what you're planning. :lol:

Anyhow have fun on this one. :)

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