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StirCrazy 03-06-2010 03:19 AM

Would you want to owna product from a company that does buisness like this?,...331761b,00.htm

they have made a name forthemselves in the #1 company in frivulos lawsuits. it has been showen for every justified lawsuite they lanch one rediculous one.


Ron99 03-06-2010 04:21 AM


And yes, I do want their products. Stylish, well designed, well thought out, well integrated, easy to use. Most people want technology that is transparent and just works. That is what Apple provides.

Those are stupid articles without any substance. Apple is doing what any company does which it to protect their intellectual property. If you spend huge amounts of time and money redefining the way people use technology and file patents on that why not sue others copying your work.

Techies may not like them because they feel they should have the freedom to change and fiddle with any part of the technology they want. Most people don't care. They just want it to work. The fact it looks nice doesn't hurt either. Before Apple, computers were pretty much beige boxes. Apple changed all that. Before Mac OS computers used command interfaces and were difficult for the average person to understand and use. Before the iPhone nobody envisioned a multitouch touchscreen smartphone.

Would the Android phones even exist if not for the iPhone? Probably not. And given that Eric Schmidt was on Apple's board of directors for some time it is quite possible he took some of the inside information from his role at Apple to Google. Google is a far more evil company than Apple in my opinion.

So the answer is a hearty YES. I will happily do business with them.

mseepman 03-06-2010 04:31 AM

I've always chuckled when people talk Apple up for how easy it is to use...I mean this is a company that required people to "KNOW" that they had to drag their disk onto the garbage can in order to eject the floppy disk.

I used to support these as well as PC's and I often found them twice as frustrating as any PC. When things do go wrong...they go sooooooo wrong.

Bloodasp 03-06-2010 04:36 AM

Don't you have a feeling Steve Jobs is becoming what Bill Gates was to Microsoft before? Love them or hate them they have created a world which no one can almost do any work without using their product.

RuGlu6 03-06-2010 05:12 AM

Interesting how so many ppl like Ipods, Iphones, apple computers.
I stay away from any i-things, i don't like how they work, i don't like how they tell me what to do, so no i-product for me.
thank you.! but thank you.:lol:

Ron99 03-06-2010 06:35 AM


Originally Posted by mseepman (Post 498751)
I've always chuckled when people talk Apple up for how easy it is to use...I mean this is a company that required people to "KNOW" that they had to drag their disk onto the garbage can in order to eject the floppy disk.

I used to support these as well as PC's and I often found them twice as frustrating as any PC. When things do go wrong...they go sooooooo wrong.

Sort of like having to click on the "Start" button to turn off your computer :lol: Of course now you can just hit the dedicated eject button on Mac keyboards.

And things go wrong with Macs far less often then with Windows so when they do go wrong it is usually something major.


Originally Posted by RuGlu6 (Post 498763)
Interesting how so many ppl like Ipods, Iphones, apple computers.
I stay away from any i-things, i don't like how they work, i don't like how they tell me what to do, so no i-product for me.
thank you.! but thank you.:lol:

If you're hearing voices coming from the iPod telling you what to do i think maybe you need to see your doctor :mrgreen: But seriously, the interfaces are really easy. When an under 5 year old can figure out how to use an iPhone/iPod Touch with minimal teaching that is a well designed piece of technology. That's the magic. Making technology straightforward and easily useful instead of intrusive. Love them or hate them, Apple does that better then any other company.

Crytone 03-06-2010 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ron99 (Post 498781)
And things go wrong with Macs far less often then with Windows so when they do go wrong it is usually something major.

I disagree with this point. I haven't had any problems in years with any PCs and any problem I have had has been hardware related (which were either DOA on my initial builds or died several years into service). I think the main reason people feel that way though is PCs are far more dominant in the marketplace. Let's suppose Apples have a 1% failure rate but only 10% of computer users own an Apple. Let's now suppose PCs have the same 1% failure rate but 90% of the users use PCs. You're going to see WAY more PCs than Apples fail just from simple math, roughly a 9:1 ratio.

Personally, my cousins 1year old Macbook has been in the shop more than it's been at his house- he still loves Apple products though! My other cousin had a powersupply go in her new 27" iMac when she first got it which she had to send away (I think to Lethbridge she said?) to get repaired but otherwise has had zero problems with it and it works awesome for her needs (webpage and graphics designer).

banditpowdercoat 03-06-2010 03:55 PM

I don't have a problem with PC hardware, moreso the problem lies within the OS. And with PC, it's Window's. I Love PC products, and Some windows OS were good. I am presently waiting to upgrade to W7 here, as Vista is giving me the most headaches of all.

I have tried Mac's, although limeted use. I didn't like the outlay and how you interfaced with it.

PC for ME. But I am Damn close to trying Linux or something, just waiting for someone to bundle it on a disk for me LOL

mr.wilson 03-06-2010 04:26 PM

WHAT! A corporation engaging in frivolous lawsuits! As much as I like having four ways to eject a disk on my Macs, I would rather patronize a company like Microsoft that would never engage is such practices. :)

Doug 03-06-2010 04:26 PM

:lol: Steve, you have a bad experience with an Apple or something.

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