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kimax 03-06-2010 02:46 AM

6 gallon nano - any suggestions?
I have a little 6 gallon eclipse that is currently holding so surplus live rock from my other little 10 gallon. Was thinking of maybe making it more of a display.

Any thoughts on something neat to keep in it? Suggestions very welcome.


Kryptic4L 03-14-2010 05:15 PM

sexy shrimp

kimax 03-15-2010 06:21 AM


Didnt even think of those. Thanks.

BlueWorldAquatic 03-15-2010 09:47 AM

we got lotsa nano fish in our "NANO" section.


Rbacchiega 09-14-2010 04:09 PM

Harlequin Shrimp!!!!

meenamjah 09-14-2010 06:18 PM

fire shrimp, porcelain crab, anemone shrimp, pom pom crab

ElGuappo 09-14-2010 07:23 PM

i would keep 4 sexy shrimp and 4 pompoms.. may be a heavy bioload tho.. and maybe a bluelegged hermit or 2 to clean up extra food.. i have done this in a10 before.

Polscot 11-30-2010 10:34 PM

ud be fine with 4sexy and 4 pom poms, inverts have a very very small bio load

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