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Flash 03-02-2010 05:02 AM

URGENT Fish help please
After my whole tank drama yesterday, my fish are all not looking so great.

all of them are rapid breathing, hanging low in the tank. No spots, no cloudy anything...

Current water :

Nitrate - 0
Nitrite - 0
PH - 8.4
Alk is 1.4 which is low so i dosed
Amo - .25 (i moved a lot of sand around the tank yesterday)
salintiy - 1.0245
temp is sitting @ 80

I have no idea what is going on... in 2 years i have never had an issue, now it's blowing up in my face. Any help??? I don't think i will be sleeping i am much too stressed out

outacontrol 03-02-2010 05:05 AM

I would lower the temp a couple of degrees, colder water holds more oxygen and slows the metabolic rate of the fish, so they require less oxygen.
I would guess it is an ammonia or nitrite spike do to stirring up all that sand.

Flash 03-02-2010 05:10 AM

no nitrite reading though.. and is .25 ammonia enough to kill all the fish?

Flash 03-02-2010 05:31 AM

fencer 03-02-2010 05:34 AM

Dosing probably did it
You might do a water change

bvlester 03-02-2010 05:36 AM

Ammonia is poison it will kill do a water change 10-15% if there is ammonia there is nitrites and nitrates they are all part of the same biological circle. Add a air stone as well this will help rase the oxegen level in the tank. get your skimmer to skimm a bit wetter this will get more waste out of the water.


Flash 03-02-2010 05:37 AM

I dosed with reef builder to raise the alk... followed the instructions...

I did a water change tonight... but i fear it's going to be much too late...

should i mkae new water right now get it to the right temp and put all the live stock in it tonight?

Coleus 03-02-2010 05:38 AM

well after sand storm and reorganizing your rocks. I think fishes are just really stressed out. Try water change. i read .25 ammonia is not that bad

bvlester 03-02-2010 05:43 AM

my ammonia sit at a level that is not detectable and it is a poison and will kill even low levels will kill after a while due to accumulation in the fishes system. Has anything spawned in your tank? A large snail dead maybe they can turn a tank if they are large enough. How are your cleanup crew doing?


Flash 03-02-2010 05:48 AM

i am mixing more water right now...

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