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Triggz 02-24-2010 06:27 PM

Hybrid Seahorse fry!! Day 5.
So we had another batch of seahorse fry. These are the H. Barbouri x H. Angustus hybrids again. Instead of giving this batch away I have decided to try and raise them myself.

Once I noticed the batch of fry I quickly went out and bought a jar of pickles. Pickles??? The jar works perfect for a little seahorse nursery. Cleaned it out really well and siphoned the 30 or so fry into the jar. I was able to get some phyto and rotifers (thanks Garry) within a couple hours. I set up a small air pump with some rigid airline and added to the jar. The rigid airline works good in keeping the bubbles coming up the side of the jar. They then hit the curved top and create a circular flow. This helps keep the fry off the top of the water. I also added some bunched up fishing line for them to hitch onto.

Added a bunch of the rotifers using a rotifer mesh and a couple capfulls of phyto. The phyto will help keep the rotifers fed and also battle a bit of the amonia. I did a 100% water change on day 3 and will do continue to do them every 2 or 3 days.

Here are a couple pics :mrgreen:

Sphelps also just a batch of these same fry. He took some great close up shots and posted them here if your interested in taking a look:


BC564 02-24-2010 06:36 PM

cute little buggers.....good for you....thats awesome

The Grizz 02-24-2010 06:46 PM

Cool, they are so tiny. Good luck Ryan I will be watching to see how you are doing.

sphelps 02-24-2010 07:15 PM

Cool! They look healthier than mine :lol:

So you feed them phyto? I thought rotifers where the way to go? Oh never mind I decided to actually read your post, :lol:

rayjay 02-24-2010 07:15 PM

How are they for size compared to the reidi fry?
If a touch larger, and if they are hitching, you may be able to switch to bbs very soon, if not include them with the rots right now.
How did the last batch work out that you gave away?

Triggz 02-24-2010 09:08 PM

Thanks guys! I will keep the thread updated every few days or so.

Ray~ They look to be a little larger than the Reidi fry, but not much. I will track down some bbs asap. The last batch I gave away only made it a couple of days. I don't think they had a sufficient food supply as he was trying to feed them pods.

rayjay 02-24-2010 09:20 PM

Don't forget to decapp the cysts before hatching so that the fry don't ingest stray empty or unhatched cysts. They lodge in the digestive tract and cause death by starvation.
If you don't remember how to decapp, e-mail me and I'll refresh your memory.

mark 02-24-2010 10:07 PM

neat, is temperature important?

Triggz 02-24-2010 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by mark (Post 495523)
neat, is temperature important?

Actually most seahorses do better at a lower temp (68-74) so room temp seems to be ok for the fry.

rayjay 02-24-2010 11:06 PM

With the reidi fry, the lower temperatures most definitely improved the survival rates.
Again, it comes down to the seahorse susceptibility to bacterial infections and when above the 74° mark, it strongly comes into play.
I have 5 seahorse tanks and have no heaters in any of them. In fact, I'm in the process of moving them all to the same area in order to have one AC unit keep them cool enough in summer.

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