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freerider 02-21-2010 07:25 PM

just a couple questions
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, just have a few questions. ove the weekend i have bought 2 mated clarki clowns and a red bubletip nem, which they have hosted very well. my tank is a 33 gal, running a fluval 304 filter, a reef octopus bh1000 skimmer, yata yata yata. my questions are, Ive been feeding them frozen brine shrimp which they have been going crazy for, but after feeding they still look hungry and are searching for food, i don't want to over feed, but i don't want them to starve either. how much do you with clarkis feed? my scooter blenny and cleaner shrimp also eat the stuff, ive been feeding about a 1/3 of the frozen cube a day.
also my parameters are all good, good at keeping my salinity 1.025, but temp fluctuates alot from daytime to night, due to my t5ho lights. they are as far off the water as possible with the given legs, but i could hang the light i guess also, during the day the water temp sits at about 82. during the night it sits about 78. if i get a small fan and just aim it between the water and the light should this help? im going to have to correct this for my nem. any advice would be greatly appreciated. My nem also moves around it seems pretty much around noon every day, it goes under a rock away from the light and closes up. My t5's couldnt be too to nems so trying to get all the information i can

Lance 02-21-2010 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by freerider (Post 494402)
Hope everyone is having a great weekend, just have a few questions. ove the weekend i have bought 2 mated clarki clowns and a red bubletip nem, which they have hosted very well. my tank is a 33 gal, running a fluval 304 filter, a reef octopus bh1000 skimmer, yata yata yata. my questions are, Ive been feeding them frozen brine shrimp which they have been going crazy for, but after feeding they still look hungry and are searching for food, i don't want to over feed, but i don't want them to starve either. how much do you with clarkis feed? my scooter blenny and cleaner shrimp also eat the stuff, ive been feeding about a 1/3 of the frozen cube a day.
also my parameters are all good, good at keeping my salinity 1.025, but temp fluctuates alot from daytime to night, due to my t5ho lights. they are as far off the water as possible with the given legs, but i could hang the light i guess also, during the day the water temp sits at about 82. during the night it sits about 78. if i get a small fan and just aim it between the water and the light should this help? im going to have to correct this for my nem. any advice would be greatly appreciated. My nem also moves around it seems pretty much around noon every day, it goes under a rock away from the light and closes up. My t5's couldnt be too to nems so trying to get all the information i can

Is that all you are feeding them? If so, they may still be hungry because brine shrimp have little nutritive value. Give them some mysis shrimp, flakes and/or pellets. Variety is important. Aim the fan at the water to cause evaporation which will cool it down. Nems will move around until they find the ideal spot. Hope this helps. :biggrin:

freerider 02-22-2010 05:55 AM

thanks Lance, ill pick up more food this week

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