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foreveringlass 02-05-2010 10:32 PM

I need cycling advice.
I am new to this addiction, and need some help. Everywhere I have read says when cycling a new tank it takes up to 6 weeks. While waiting, test and watch for ammonia and Nitrite levels rise and fall, then watch for the nitrates to do the same. I started doing this and today, discovered my levels are back down to 0ppm on the ammonia and nitrite and my nitrates are dropping and below 5ppm now.
When is it safe to add fish? It seems way too early and the last thing I want to do is rush it!

Chase31 02-05-2010 10:34 PM

in my freshwater it cycled in a week but im no expert and im jumping on to see what people have to say.

cuz 02-05-2010 10:45 PM

how long have you been "cycling" and are you using any live rock or just base rock?

foreveringlass 02-05-2010 10:47 PM

I've only been cycling for 2 weeks and I am using live rock.

foreveringlass 02-05-2010 10:52 PM

I also have live sand.

naesco 02-06-2010 12:24 AM

You will get an ammonia cycle and it will be measurable.
You will than get a nitrite cycle and it will be measurable.
Wait two weeks after you get a zero reading on nitrites and than add one fish at a time one month apart.
Resist the urge to add more and too often because that is what leads to problems.

foreveringlass 02-06-2010 12:30 AM

Thanks! Both ammonia and Nitrites were up when I tested earlier in the week, but were zero today. Now I know to wait 2 more weeks.

RuGlu6 02-06-2010 01:28 AM

Your tank will cycle many more times only every time it will be less evident.

Run skimmer 24/7, Minimal lights to get rid of all algae, start removing Po4 (phosphates) right away, you will thank us later for that.

Do not add anything that you will have to feed (fish), after 6 weeks you can add mushrooms, polyps anything that do not require food.
if you are planning for a fish only tank then wait longer let you system run trough few more cycles.
Only add fish that you cant take your eyes off of ! i mean no demsels!

cygmark 02-06-2010 01:52 AM

Everyones water, tank, live rock, salt, sand, skimmer, lights, pumps, heaters, powerheads are all different the rock you bought is not even close to the rock the other guy might buy, tanks cycle diffrently, and I find everyones opinion is diffrent, there is no set way to cycle a tank, just what a whole bunch of people have done and it has worked.

I'm very newto this hobby and everyone will tell you to do something different, I developed " strainer" ears, I keep and listen to what I want, this tank is your own personal ecosystem, and it's not like Anyones out there.

I added 4 chromis and 3 turbo snails to mine and it's fine, But that's my tank and will not be like yours.

Just my 2 cents

RuGlu6 02-06-2010 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by cygmark (Post 489460)
Everyones water, tank, live rock, salt, sand, skimmer, lights, pumps, heaters, powerheads are all different the rock you bought is not even close to the rock the other guy might buy, tanks cycle diffrently, and I find everyones opinion is diffrent, there is no set way to cycle a tank, just what a whole bunch of people have done and it has worked.

I'm very newto this hobby and everyone will tell you to do something different, I developed " strainer" ears, I keep and listen to what I want, this tank is your own personal ecosystem, and it's not like Anyones out there.

I added 4 chromis and 3 turbo snails to mine and it's fine, But that's my tank and will not be like yours.

Just my 2 cents

And that is how we learn... by making mistakes. If we repeat what was done before we are not learning right?

I think, if i would be setting up a salt water tank i would listen to a guy who has been doing this for 10+ years and has gone through few tank setups.

But hey, making a mistake is ok, as long as we learn from it :wink:

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