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beeve 01-24-2010 04:17 AM

180 gallon shut down. Fish, Corals, Rock F/S
My wife and I are moving back east for work and are going to have to shut down our tank. The tank is a All-Glass 180 gal bottom drilled dual overflow with a 40 gallon sump and oak cabinet and lid. The system is fed with a Reef-low snapper and circulation is provided by a Vortech MP-40 and various other modified Maxi-jets. The lighting is provided by a Coralife 72" 3X 250 watt HQI halide, 4x 96 watt pc actinic fixture. The bulbs are Pheonix 14k that are about 6 months old. Other equipment includes: Euroreef rs 100 skimmer, Coralife 250gal calcium reactor, 10Lbs CO2 bottle with regulator and solenoid valve. 5Gal hang on fuge, Phosban reactor, Various test kits, heaters, etc... But before I sell the tank I need to sell all of the inhabitants.

1 Regal Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Comet
1 Six Line Wrasse
1 Spotted Mandarin
1 Blue line Damsel
1 False perc
1 Maroon clown
1 Flame Angel
2 Brittle Stars
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
1 Cleaner Shrimp
Lots of various snails and hermits
200ish pounds of live rock

Lots of LPS and SPS, softies, mushrooms, and rics as well as lots of general tank shrapnel that would be good for a Nano.

PM me you have any questions or would like to set up a time to come view/shop.

dsaundry 01-24-2010 04:51 AM


fraggalrock 01-24-2010 06:42 AM


Leah 01-24-2010 01:00 PM

What a beautiful tank!

beeve 01-26-2010 03:02 AM

Hi all,

Flame angel sold
Clam sold
Hammer corals sold
brain sold
Cleaner shrimp sold
Refugium sold

dsaundry 01-26-2010 10:13 AM

Free bump for some great stuff, rock is fantastick, really nice tank.:biggrin:

fraggalrock 01-26-2010 03:43 PM

Beautiful Tank!

Electric eel 01-26-2010 11:19 PM

Could you list PRICES!


Ripwoop 01-26-2010 11:36 PM


beeve 01-31-2010 02:35 AM

Still more to o
Hi All

The six line is sold
Ric rock is sold
Vortech is almost sold
Green monti is Spoken for but not confirmed
Mandarin is sold
coral banded shrimp spoken for

I still have:
Regal Tang $60
Yellow Tang $20
Damsel $5
False perc $10
Maroon Clown $15
Comet $40

Big Galaxea attached to a beautiful 30lb shelf live rock $150
Green brain $40
birds nest $40
Various acro Colonies $40
various mushroom colonies $20-$40
Big Frogspawn $50
Various softies $20-$30
Big star polyp colonies $20-$40
Live rock $4 a pound

Give me a call to come and see.

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