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Robchops 01-22-2010 09:06 PM

New to Forum... and SW tanks
Hi everyone,

I recently started a nano tank back in Late November and seem to be having quite a bit of success with it already. I just wanted to give a quick introduction. I have just a 14G Biocube with the following:

17 lbs Live Rock
Approx 3 inches Live sand
3 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Bumble Bee Snail
2 Nassarius Snails
2 Turban shell Snails
1 Anemone Crab
2 Misbar Clown Fish
1 Chromis (not entirely sure of the species still have yet to find it online)

I already have plans to get a larger tank with this years Tax Refund, however I am still debating what size I should get (thinking about between 75-90 Gallons)

Some other animals I have currently include:
2 Frilled Dragons
1 Hypo Red Tail Boa (salmon boa)
4 Tarantulas (G. pulchripes, P. metallica, C. fasciatum, and B. smithi)

Thats pretty much it... If you want to know anything else, or give any feedback it is much appreciated!


Robchops 01-22-2010 09:22 PM

Here are a couple pics sorry for the poor quality I will get better ones ASAP


noirsphynx 01-22-2010 09:29 PM

Welcome to canreef Rob. I love that tiny anemone next to your porcelain anemone crab.

Robchops 01-22-2010 09:41 PM

Thanks, it came with one of the pieces of LR I bought... didn't even notice it until probably two weeks into cycling my tank! I am pretty sure it is a Rock Anemone but could be wrong I looked it up online a little while back. It seems to be doing pretty well in the tank so I have no complaints ATM. I also forgot to mention I just recently added the fire and ice Zoa about a week ago (in last pic you can barely see it), and a green mushroom head. Just thought I would test out putting some coral in and seeing how it worked out... so far so good.

noirsphynx 01-22-2010 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Robchops (Post 484388)
Thanks, it came with one of the pieces of LR I bought... didn't even notice it until probably two weeks into cycling my tank! I am pretty sure it is a Rock Anemone but could be wrong I looked it up online a little while back. It seems to be doing pretty well in the tank so I have no complaints ATM.

Yup, looks like one to me. I used to have one that had a pinkish hue to it and right now I have one that's green.

Robchops 01-22-2010 09:47 PM

that's awesome, I am looking at adding some coral to the tank but I want to see how the first two little frags do before I commit to a larger amount. Any suggestions on what could work in the small space? I believe I have been told Zoas, Mushrooms, and I want to say Xenia will work but I could be wrong, and also is there any other you would suggest, or maybe some that are a must have for Nano aquariums?


noirsphynx 01-22-2010 09:59 PM

You're correct those are all great starter frags and all good for nano's, cloves are also good. I personally don't like xenia because it can take over a tank but that's just my opinion.

bvlester 01-23-2010 12:58 AM

Insted of xenia try athenia it grow a bit slower and some one said to me that as soon as they put some in their tank the red algae went away, so it may help with that also.


Robchops 01-25-2010 03:06 PM

Thanks for all of the advice! I really appreciate it. I cannot believe how addicting this hobby is, I am already considering using my tax refund to invest in a larger tank! I am considering something around the 90 Gallon mark... not exactly nano lol but just thought I would put it out there.


noirsphynx 01-25-2010 07:31 PM

:lol: It is super addicting. I started off with a 24g and jumped to a 90g only 4 months later. I did end up going back to a smaller tank and selling my 90g but that was only because I had to have the 90g in my basement where I couldn't enjoy it.

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