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Chase31 01-11-2010 04:17 AM

so purchasing a 10 gallon tank on Kijiji as my first sump ever :biggrin: and i dont think it has baffles so im going to have to put my own in,
1. were do you buy acrylic , home depot or is it better to go to aquarium illusions?
2. is glass better then acrylic
3. aquarium silicone, same thing, home depot or LFS
4. does the intake need is own separate area (like two in the corner to make a little square?
5. how do i know how high to make the baffles
6. does the high side go on the intake or outake side of the bubble trap?

sorry for all the questions but mise well have them all in one :P

Glennrf38 01-11-2010 12:16 PM

Melevsreef has some great info on sump design.

banditpowdercoat 01-11-2010 02:06 PM

If glass tank, use glass baffles. Silicone does not stick to acrylic very well. Any glass shop will cut you baffles. Only need 3mm glass for baffles, especially in a 10g tank. Probibally under $20 fro all the glass cut and ground edges. Make the baffles a hair more than 1/8" narrower than the inside of the tank. Easier to install, no wedging/chipping/cracking issues. Silicone fills the gap's reallly well

Dez 01-11-2010 03:20 PM

Have you ever though of going baffle - less? Some of the best sumps that I've run are without baffles. A simple container can be used as a bubble trap, or a filter sock. 10 gallon doesn't give you a lot of room, so once you have a baffle in there and you decide to change equipment later on you might kick yourself for putting a baffle in that one particular spot. Mark has a container that his tank drains into with little holes in it for a bubble trap. It's pretty slick. Just a thought.

Hope this helps.

Chase31 01-11-2010 09:09 PM

well thats what i was kinda thinking, use a screen maybe, we'll have to see if this tank has baffles or not

mark 01-11-2010 10:01 PM

Dez, talking about me and my DBBBT (dog biscuit bucket bubble trap)?

Chase31 01-11-2010 11:46 PM

just curious how the hell does that work?

Chase31 01-12-2010 12:10 AM

so looks like i will be getting a roughly 600gph overflow, so im looking for a pump, preferably the cheaper the better (will be looking on Kijiji) the head pressure is about 5 feet, it shouldnt matter if its under my overflow right? the system should be about 40G with sump and piping and skimmer when all's said and done witch is about a 15x turnover rate per hour, thats pretty good right? should it be higher or lower, dispaly is 31 gal, sump is 10, also getting a 175 GPH aqua clear power head

mark 01-12-2010 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Chase31 (Post 480556)
just curious how the hell does that work?

There's a line of holes drilled in the side, near the bottom, bubbles from the drains go up and don't enter the sump, bubble-free water out the bottom.

Chase31 01-12-2010 05:56 AM

that would work but im worried about micro bubbles out of my skimmer

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