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Diana 01-07-2010 06:33 PM

My new Paludarium
This is my first attempt at an aquarium with terrestrial space in it. Its only 3 days old so it has lots of growing to do... I plan on adding some really funky plants like venus fly traps and small orchids. Maybe a killifish or two for the water, as well as some semi-aquatic plants.


Delphinus 01-07-2010 06:42 PM

I ****love**** well done paludariums and vivariums. Awesome work!

Please post more info like the size of tank and what lights you're using and stuff like that??

Hope to do one myself one day .. time allowing.

LeeR 01-07-2010 06:47 PM

very cool! is that a local moss?

Diana 01-07-2010 06:56 PM

yah i'm pretty excited about the result so far- and its so young! It is local moss, i put about 4 or 5 different types in there to see what will do well with the warmth, humidity, and light. I think I know what one will do well based on where I collected it, but we will see. Worst comes to worst I will have to use a more tropical moss.

32 gallon Hagen rimless aquarium
36" Giesemann HO T5 light fixture with plant bulbs
~3" of water (small pump & heater) plus stream
river cobble & petrified wood base, small layer of dried moss, and then on top a layer of sphagnum peat.
I will get a humidity & temp reading today



Delphinus 01-07-2010 06:58 PM

Are those mushrooms? I think I'd be careful about that. I dunno. Maybe it will end up being a neat effect if they spread.

LeeR 01-07-2010 07:04 PM

mushrroms are nothing to be worried about all my terrariums have had them at one point... most people on the dartfrog pages see them as a sign of health... sorta like coralline algae in a reef tank

Carmen 01-07-2010 07:16 PM

WOW! Very nice!:mrgreen:

Diana 01-07-2010 07:18 PM

Its weird I have an amazon aquarium with a peice of driftwood poking out of the water and there are always mushrooms growing on it. Strange cus I never introduced any- there just must be spores in the wood!

I am hoping they will spread! It would be tres cool. I want to add some dried turkey tails onto the back glass. Like this:

Diana 01-08-2010 12:03 AM

I did some tinkering today. I am just loving playing in this tank. I can't wait to get some orchids and stuff in there:


PoonTang 01-08-2010 12:07 AM

Wow very cool. I saw one like that yesterday. It had neons in the water and water dragons living in it.

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