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Orchid Dottyback Compatibility
I was curious if anyone has had experience in keeping an Orchid Dottyback in a community setting?
I'm starting the stocking process in a 130 gallon tank and have an Orchid Dottyback in another smaller aquarium that I would like out. My end goal is to have numerous gobies, firefish, tangs etc in the 130 ... I am well aware that the Dottyback's reputation is not necessarily compatible with those species. I guess the best case scenario is that the prospective tank at 130 gallons should offer enough hiding places and territories to disperse any unwarranted aggression and I could put the dottyback in with the others without too much stress for the more peaceful inhabitants. I was hoping somebody might have some personal experience to either support or reject that idea. Thanks for any insight. |
You should be ok considering the size of the tank, unless you are planning a lot of small gobies.
The orchid dottyback is the least troublesome of the dottybacks. As Myka said you should be OK. Where you can have issues with these is with other dottybacks (basically stick to one, or if you want a pair, make sure they are established as a pair beforehand because two males or two females will not get along and one will likely end up being killed). Also other fish that inhabit the same territory (holes and caves in rocks) are seen as competition.
:biggrin: Sweet another reefer in the area !!! I thought i was the only one haha
other then tattoo shop in banff !!! |
I've been debating the orchid dottyback as well, however, I have a much smaller tanks than you. I have a lot of places for all my fish to hide but I'm not sure how it'd work out. Have you considered a black-cap gramma? They look nearly the same and seem to have a better temperment.
I have seen an orchid dotty in a 50-ish gallon tank with a blenny, anthia, angel and one more that I can't remember and it seemed to get on alright with everyone, though it did spend most of its time hiding in the caves in the tank. |
I had one in my 125 gallon system with smaller fish and a couple of tangs, and never had a problem with them bugging them ever. I do have a lot of live rock, so that may have helped, but it never bothered anyone. It was pretty shy though, typically only coming out at feeding time. The tangs quick speed would spook it pretty good.
Aaron |
If it helps, I recently added a neon dottyback to my 75 gallon and it seems to get along with the other fish. It chased the six line wrasse a little for the first day or two but now they seem to co exist without problem. In fact, the small kole tang likes to follow the dottyback around the tank and through the rocks and the dottyback doesn't seem to mind.
However, I think that if you want some of those other small fish like firefish etc. it might be best to add them first and let them get established and add the dottyback last. |
I used to have an Orchid in a 90 with fire shrimp, regal tang, maroon clown, Canary Wrasse, Mandarin, scooter blenny... and a boxfish. I had no problems at all. My big concern was the fire shrimp, but it all worked out fine. That said, I took some risks last time around, some paid off, some did not. As much as I like the Orchids, I will not be putting one in this time around. Most of the other fish will stay the same though... except the boxfish and tang.
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