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Skimmerking 12-27-2009 06:04 AM

How many Clowns in a 150gal
Ok I was just reading some clowns that you can have small groups in a reef tank. No I have a tank raised clown and a wild caught clown that is the female. Is is possible to have another type of clown in my tank.

cchomistek 12-27-2009 06:24 AM

The Rule of thumb is 2 per tank. If you put in more, one will end up dead. Maybe not right away but it will happen. They are very territorial!! Also if they are different species of clownfish then you most likely will have a problem.


atc 12-27-2009 06:52 AM

I have 2 Clarkis and 2 Ocellaris in a 180, but they each stay on their own end of the tank. Gets kind of nasty when one roams to the other side.

FitoPharmer 12-27-2009 06:59 AM

i kept skunk clowns and percs together for a few years in a 4' 120. they even lived less then a foot away from each other. the skunk clowns are so timid they hardly even leave the anemone.

lorenz0 12-27-2009 02:17 PM

Skimmerking 12-27-2009 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by FitoPharmer (Post 475939)
i kept skunk clowns and percs together for a few years in a 4' 120. they even lived less then a foot away from each other. the skunk clowns are so timid they hardly even leave the anemone.

i know tha Doug here on his 170 cube has a pair of clown and a shunk in his bubble coral

workn2hard2day 12-27-2009 05:03 PM

we had a pair of skunk (1 died from ich) and a pair of false percs in our 125. they all happily reside in the 180 with no problems. no anen's in tank either.

PoonTang 12-27-2009 05:26 PM

2 clowns inside tank....1 outside :p

Mrfish55 12-27-2009 06:03 PM

I have 6 Ocellaris, 2 Clarkii and 2 Maroon together with no issues (granted the tank is 750 gal) everyone has there own little territories

Seamazter 12-27-2009 06:09 PM

I have 6 Ocellaris Clownfish one is the boss the rest are like a school in a 180.
They all hang out near a Rose Bubble Tip, but only the boss lady and her henpecked man can touch it, the other tiny ones are just hovering but never touching the anemone

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