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Salty_Hobby 12-10-2009 02:51 AM

HELP ME! No one seems to know what is killing my fish!
3 Attachment(s)
I bought a new anemone with clown fish a week and a half ago... and I know better than to put it straight in my tank but I did...

Now I have a white film growing all over my glass and on most of everything in my tank. My ammonia levels spiked and I've got it down to about 1ppm but my fish are still suffering. Nothing I try is relieving the ammonia and I don't know what the white film is or how to get rid of it.

The white film is like a cloudy layer with spots of concentrated white. Almost like a bacterial culture is growing?

I've attached some pictures, please help with any advice you have. I have been using ammolock over the past 5-7 days, but have moved to Stability to try and get the ammonia under control.

I bought a spare tank if I need to move my fish to a clean tank if I can't get the water quality under conotrol. Any advice?! My fish are dieing, my anemone is wilting and my sea urchin has dropped all his spines :(

JDigital 12-10-2009 02:55 AM

How old is your tank?

Salty_Hobby 12-10-2009 03:00 AM

About 1 yr, maybe 11 months.

JDigital 12-10-2009 03:03 AM

Could be possible that your anemone is nuking the tank, especially if you didn't do any type of drip acclimation for it??

Can you post some of your parameters?

Salty_Hobby 12-10-2009 03:05 AM

I don't even know what a drip acclimation is :(

Sorry I am new to this what kind of paramters are you looking for?

JDigital 12-10-2009 03:10 AM


lucyw 12-10-2009 03:13 AM

Now I have a white film growing all over my glass and on most of everything in my tank. My ammonia levels spiked and I've got it down to about 1ppm but my fish are still suffering. Nothing I try is relieving the ammonia and I don't know what the white film is or how to get rid of it.

When did this start happening (a time frame after you put these in your tank).

Also which calgary store did you purchase from?

Did you contact them and what did they say?

I agree with jdital about complete parameters.

My only guess is a white flatworm or something related to it and it is spreading and dieing off causing an amonia spike.


Salty_Hobby 12-10-2009 03:16 AM

I don't have anything to test Ca, Alk, Mg or NO2/NO3
My pH is about 8.2
Temp 76 F
Salinity 1.0215
Ammonia 1ppm

I'm taking in a water sample tomorrow to have it tested for more parameters.
Do these help?

Salty_Hobby 12-10-2009 03:20 AM

It started happening about 10 days after they went in the tank (it was visibily noticeable at 10 days but my fish were groggy about 5 days after the new arrivals)

I bought them from Pisces who don't guarantee anything so I didn't call (plus I don't think they really know what's what there - I may be wrong)

Red Coral (Kevin) also thought it might be a flat worm, will I need to treat it or will it die off entirely (if that is what it is?)

Marlin65 12-10-2009 03:33 AM

Your SG is too low for Nems 1.023 min keep it at 1.025 is better.

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