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Mr.nintendo 12-01-2009 09:06 PM

Looking for flatworm treatment ( Vancouver )
Something in the last few days triggered a massive flatworm invasion in my tank :(

I'm removing all I can see visibly by hand but it's just getting worse, anyone know somewhere with flatworm exit or have another option availble? I don't drive so I was hoping a LFS or someone with in the lower mainland may have something

belzebuth 12-01-2009 09:22 PM

What type of flatworm ? I have flatworms in my tank, my wrasse takes care of it. I have never seen one in the display, but i can see them in my refugium

megs_clark 12-01-2009 09:22 PM

Id use levamasole. I probably just spelt that wrong. It gets rid of them with one dose I found. Theirs a thread on here if you do a search explaining how to use it. Someone on here sold me some and mailed it. It came fast, mabe you could go that rout. I used it and after a few days they were gone and i havnt seen any flat worms since!

Mr.nintendo 12-01-2009 09:24 PM

I have a wrasse in my tank, eats them but by no means can even slightly keep up, literally within the last 3-4 days there are hundreds :(

I'll take any option that works, but it's gotta happen quick

bvlester 12-01-2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mr.nintendo (Post 469308)
I have a wrasse in my tank, eats them but by no means can even slightly keep up, literally within the last 3-4 days there are hundreds :(

I'll take any option that works, but it's gotta happen quick

Well if you see hundreds then there is probably thousands of then is all of your live stoke there and can you acount for every one you know of if there is a dead solder in the tank it could cause an increas in the flatworms in your tank. You see decaying food sorces are there friend they thrive when people over feed the tank or things start dying and are not removed. Or the other thing that can make them multiply fast is water peramiters are out of wack and you are testing for the right thing to let you know what caused the boom in flatworms. If your wrasse can ot keep up with there populations and you want to use flatworm exit or some thing else I would sugest you remove your fish and inverts before hand. Flatworms excreet a toxin when they die and you could loos some or all of your live stoke if you can't keep up with the siphoning and water changes that are needed to over come the flatworm toxin. If you remove your fish and inverts it will give you some time to keep up with the siphoning and water changes, you will not have to keep itup if you get realy tired. You can have a nap and resume when you get up again.
I would say better to be prepared than not.


Mr.nintendo 12-01-2009 11:06 PM

Hundreds may be an over-statment haha, but there is lots

Parameters are all ok, some a little off but more so then anything I think it was the introduction of a few new rocks. I've increased water changes and food wise I've always been cautious, never over-feeding and only dropping a few pellets or shrimp at a time.

They aren't causing any issues yet, just lots visible and want them taken care of before they do. I'll just go buy flatwrom exit if I can find out where and it or the other option

bvlester 12-02-2009 05:45 AM

just remember when you use this stuff they release a toxin that will kill everything in the tank. follow instructions carfuly and start removing the flatworms as soon as you see them start to die and do alot of water changes right after you suck up as many as you can water changes once you start you can't stop or run the risk of loosing your stock. have alot of salt water pree made, I have read that some people have change up to 50% of thier water in quick secsesion 25% at a time. so 50% the night of the treatment and 50% the next day. Wate a few days and see if there are any left if there is still a tun of them you will have to retreat the tank. once is normaly enough.


no_bs 12-02-2009 08:16 AM

Another option is API Marine Melafix, it will kill off your pod population though ,but will completly get rid of them. Had to dip few of our rocks when we got them. Follow the directions to a "T".

Tom R 12-02-2009 04:46 PM

OA sells Flatworm Exit.

Tom R

whatcaneyedo 12-02-2009 08:34 PM

Progressive Reef in Vic sells flatworm exit. I found that a blue velvet nudibranch followed by a yellow coris wrasse worked better for me.

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