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akhanf 12-01-2009 06:43 PM

FS: everything in 120gal setup (Surrey)
Now that all the livestock is sold, I am selling off the rest of the equipment - just in time for the holidays!

There is a picture of the running setup on my previous thread on bcaquaria

Please call Parveen at 604-723-2470 if you want to go see or buy anything. It is in Surrey, in Fraser heights just north of Highway 1. This is my parent's house, I am in Burnaby.

If you need any more details, please email me at or call me at 604-205-5090.


All prices listed are OBO.

120 Gallon Oceanic Aquarium with Corner Overflows $500.00 - price reduced!
Mahogany cabinet & canopy $500.00 - price reduced!
20 gal sump tank (not drilled) $30.00

2x 250W Radium 20K MH Bulb, $60
2x 250W Coralvue Electronic Ballast & reflector/housing, $150
Coralife Lunar Moon LED (3/4W) $10
2x 250W Coralvue 12K bulbs, $30

Mag 9 Return Pump $60
Maxijets $15 each
SCWD (switching current water director) SOLD
Auto-top-off system+aqualifter pump $30

Euroreef 180 $400
Coralife Superskimmer 65 $80
Aqua 15W UV sterilizer $100
Phosban reactor $35

Kent Marine Maxxima RO/DI (Reverse Osmosis/Deionization) Filter - 24 GPD SOLD
2x 1 Micron Sediment Filter SOLD
2x Extruded Carbon Filter SOLD

Test kits:
Salifert Test Kits -- SOLD
2x Instant Ocean pH test kit (2nd 1/2 full) $10 for both
Seachem copper test (used once) SOLD
Hagen Master Kit (NO3 used up) SOLD

Black Diamond Carbon (half full) $8
Seachem Kalkwasser (70% full) $20
Seachem reef advantage calcium $20
Phosban (1/2 full) $5
Seachem reef calcium (nearly full) $5
Kent Marine PhytoPlex $5
Kent Garlic Xtreme (1/8 full) $2
Kent Liquid Calcium (2/3 full) $5
Kent Coral-Vite (nearly full) $10
TetraAqua AquaSafe (nearly full) $5
API Ammo Lock Ammonia Detox (nearly full) $15
Kent Coral Builder (1/4 full) $2
Kent Marine Aquarium pH Buffer (nearly full) $5
Twolittlefishies C-balance (1/2 full) $20

Aqua FX TDS meter SOLD
Sybon portable refractometer SOLD
ESU digital thermometer $8

Cleaning Supplies:
Algae-free Tiger shark magnet $90
Coralife Aquarium gloves SOLD
Mag-safe 350 cleaning magnet + metal scraper $40
Kent Marine Sea Squirt and Feeding Prong $10
Large net+small net $5
Nylon Filter Bag $2
Holdfast epoxy stick (1/3 stick) SOLD
Eheim auto fish feeder $35

Jager 50W heater $15
Tronic 150W heater $20
Jager 250W heater $25
Several Intermatic Power Timers SOLD
Icecap 6” 2-speed muffin fan $5

Dry Food:
Prime reef flake (small, 1/3 full) $2
Formula two pellet (small, 2/3 full) $2
Formula one flake (large, 1/2 full) $5
Selcon (70% full) $5
Freeze-dried Krill (nearly full) $2

Mardel coppersafe (2/3 full) $5
NoSickFish Ich medicine (1/3 full) $2

akhanf 12-16-2009 06:57 PM

I've dropped the price on the tank/cabinet and updated the list of available equipment.

BKTruong 12-16-2009 09:03 PM

What brand ATO is it or is it DIY? and is the skimmer 180 RS or 180 CS?

blueworm 12-17-2009 12:17 AM

How old are the MH bulbs? I maybe interested in the ATO, but id like to know aswell if it is diy or else wise.

Ryan 12-17-2009 04:45 AM

To add to the above post are they HQI or SE?

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