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mitchelljared 11-04-2009 09:53 PM

How fast is fast in growth for SPS?
Just curious when people say "oh, this grows really fast" fast is normal? Specifically for birdsnest/digitata and misc acropora varieties...under let's say 2X250 10K MH and 4X54Watt T5 (2 10K and 2 03 actinic bulbs) in a 135 gallon tank (standard dimensions)? Water parameters are ideal. What kind of growth should one get in a certain timespan? If people could give me ideas, like pics/details of growth and how long, that'd be great!

mitchelljared 11-04-2009 09:55 PM more question: When you put a new piece in your tank, is there like a "getting used to the new environment" period before any growth starts? I'd assume they need to acclimate. About how long should that take? My assumption is that the new coral will take some time before it wants to grow, then the growth takes off "fast."

marie 11-04-2009 10:05 PM

According to popular opinion I seem to have fast growth
A. convexa pic taken feb

Pic taken aug (7 months growth)

Montipora, Superman digitata ( I was told this is a slow grower)
pic taken in March

Pic taken in june (3 months growth)

marie 11-04-2009 10:07 PM

As far as when a new coral starts growing, it depends on where it came from. Corals I get from Snappy (even with 2 day shipping) seem to start growing right away...others can take up to a month before there is visible signs of growth

Ryan 11-04-2009 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by mitchelljared (Post 460985) more question: When you put a new piece in your tank, is there like a "getting used to the new environment" period before any growth starts? I'd assume they need to acclimate. About how long should that take? My assumption is that the new coral will take some time before it wants to grow, then the growth takes off "fast."

With some of my pieces it takes them a month to even establish a good base (I usually buy frags) then there is others that I get 0.5 - 0.7" a month out of them. My 1 birdnest and 1 acropora I got from Doug grow the fastest but my 3 monti caps put on some serious growth every week as well. Man I love these sticks... never though I would say that.

shrimpchips 11-04-2009 10:56 PM

Holy jeebus Marie, what steroids are your tanks on? I need me some of those!

In my nano, I get about .5" growth in some of my millies in a month or so, but most are a lot slower. Sometimes corals are really quick to encrust (I have had new frags encrust a frag plug in like 2 weeks), but many are a lot slower to start growing upwards/outwards.

Murminator 11-04-2009 11:37 PM

For me bout an inch a year :redface:

mitchelljared 11-05-2009 12:24 AM

Thanks for everyone's input so far, it's very helpful. type of lighting do you have? Tank size? The growth is so awesome. I have maybe a silly question, as I know the answer I'm sure...but the white tips on sps in your pics is for new growth, right? That is the process...they put down the skeleton, then it colors up, then polyps? I just have never heard anyone confirm this... Also, who's this "Snappy?" He ships too? Might be good to see if he has frags for sale.

It's too bad we don't have a pocket-sized reef scientists to ask anything at anytime!

Murminator...I hope I don't have that slow of growth.

marie 11-05-2009 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by mitchelljared (Post 461031)
Thanks for everyone's input so far, it's very helpful. type of lighting do you have? Tank size? The growth is so awesome. I have maybe a silly question, as I know the answer I'm sure...but the white tips on sps in your pics is for new growth, right? That is the process...they put down the skeleton, then it colors up, then polyps? I just have never heard anyone confirm this... Also, who's this "Snappy?" He ships too? Might be good to see if he has frags for sale.

It's too bad we don't have a pocket-sized reef scientists to ask anything at anytime!

Murminator...I hope I don't have that slow of growth.

Yes, the light coloured tips are the new growth, there is tissue over the new skeleton it is just usually a different colour from the rest of the coral.

Snappy is one of the sponsers on canreef, aka coral master. I highly recommend his corals

Lance 11-05-2009 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by marie (Post 461033)
snappy is one of the sponsers on canreef, aka coral master. I highly recommend his corals

+1 Always arrive in great shape and nice colour.

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