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PufferPuffer 09-26-2009 12:49 AM

My new Porcupine Puffer doesn't eat...
I got a Porcupine Puffer baby yesterday along with a picasso...

but then...the poor PP seems like very very shy & scare of people...
always hides under the live rocks, swims away whenever i get close to the tank...
and when i tried to feed him awhile ago, it didn't even eat...
:laluot_23: worring about it........><
what should i do?

the pica got himself stuck in the live rocks last night...for like 8hrs...
good that he is fine right now...:laluot_27:

>< 2 fishy...just 2 fishy...its alreay hard to begin with...><
i think i really needa spend more time to take goooooood care of them...:laluot_06:

PufferPuffer 09-26-2009 01:11 AM

ok...the shrimp is gone...-_-...did pp eat it???

naesco 09-26-2009 01:40 AM

What is the size of your tank?

When did you set up your system

PufferPuffer 09-30-2009 11:46 PM

i set it a month now...
the tank is kinda samll for the Procu...just 70G...
i know they need a tank is at least 75G or more...
but the pp is just small fine...?

he/she is soooooooo shy....wont come out to swim and hide in somewhere under the liverocks all the time....><

edikpok 10-01-2009 05:37 AM

only a month old? check your parameters!!! The cycle might not be over yet! And if it is not, puffers are not strong enough to survive in a high amonia /nitrite environment. Take a sample of your water to any fish store (I've had pleasant experience at King Ed, JL).

If everything is good - try silversides. Puffers usually love this stuff. Then you can slowly move him onto mysis shrimps....


PS. 70g is not bad for probably a year or so - depending on how much you feed it :)

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