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fraggalrock 09-17-2009 04:28 PM

Looks Like I Have Dtom Bloom :(
At first I thought it was coming from a small rock then it spread like crazy and I looked it up and it seems to fit what has been described.My skimmer also was not working too well so I noticed the air tube pinched and opened up the valve,it appears to be working now but their is still a scum on the surface of the water,Any advice?

toxic111 09-17-2009 05:12 PM

That looks like a fairly new tank, so I wouldn't worry about it much, every tank goes through it. Just do the water canges and try to clean up as much as you can, and it will eventually go away.

SeaHorse_Fanatic 09-17-2009 06:08 PM

Cerith & Nerite snails will help, as will increasing the flow.

However, as the other member stated, diatoms are a very common "new tank" occurence and NOT a big deal. It could be that the Kent salt you started with had enough silica/silicate concentration to help feed the diatoms. But again, diatoms in a new tank is "normal" and as your tank matures, and you employ the various methods of controlling it, will go away.

naesco 09-17-2009 07:20 PM

Are you using RO/DI water?

NuraNori 09-17-2009 07:40 PM

Last time we had a diatom bloom, we switched from instant ocean salt to H2Ocean, got curtains and got more snails and crabs...was gone in 2 days....

But I agree if it's a new tank it will go through all three algae:green, brown and red...

I found Mexican turbo snails to be great for all 3 types but they stick to the rock and glass...

buddyreefer 09-18-2009 12:28 AM


Originally Posted by NuraNori (Post 448659)
Last time we had a diatom bloom, we switched from instant ocean salt to H2Ocean, got curtains and got more snails and crabs...was gone in 2 days....

But I agree if it's a new tank it will go through all three algae:green, brown and red...

I found Mexican turbo snails to be great for all 3 types but they stick to the rock and glass...

Yes exactly the same thing, i had absolutely no cyano on the sandbed and once i started using H20ocean salt i started getting cyano, one thing that makes me wonder about this salt is the dirty brown residue on the plastic bucket i get when the salt is mixed up, (and i mix my salt for at least 48 hours)

subman 09-18-2009 12:51 AM

The surface skimmer attachment from Red sea will get rid of the surface scum. If you raise the gate on the inlet a little it will suck more surface water in and that will help as well. It's definitely one of the problems with this system.

fraggalrock 09-19-2009 06:24 PM

I have some snails now three different kinds thanks to Anthony for picking them up for me! I also learned how to do my rocks better and I see the snails working away![IMG][/IMG]

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