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JPotter 08-20-2009 02:58 AM

10 gal nano lighting
I have put water in a 10 gal is about 10"x20" about 12" deep and I need some lighting. T5s preferred, power compact fluorescent would do. I have put in the skeletons of my SPS that died after a high temp period:( Also has 2 pajama cardinals. Expect I will eventually add some leathers but will need some lighting. What fixtures are available for 20x10 tanks? I would like a fixture that can stand a few inches above the tank so condensation is not an issue. I don't like tank covers as heat doesn't dissipate well.
I stuck in a small pump and have air from a pump and the water moves about surprisingly well...also has a small heater.
This is a tiny tank but I think it could be very pleasing if I get things right.
Thanks for any and all suggestions. year the room gets an air conditioner

makana 08-20-2009 04:26 AM

I have the same size tank and had a really hard time finding a light that small that would handle the corals I wanted. Some of the coralife PC lights are 20" long but the highest wattage is 96. I have seen a 24" t5 on a 20" tank with legs. I don't know if that was stock or not but it is possible. The sunlight tek t5 is a really nice light but I think it has to hang.

I know heat is an issue but the jbj viper metal halide lights look pretty good. I was looking at that for my tank.

Snaz 08-20-2009 04:33 AM

The coralife PC bulbs in my experience are great. My 12 gallon has 1 x 26w Actinic and 1 x 26w Daylight 50/50. These two little 13 inch bulbs are able to grow SPS Monitopra digitata sp. among other things quite well in my nano.

ElGuappo 08-20-2009 04:37 AM

i will get you a pic of my 10g tommorrow when the lights come on. i use a glow HOT5 2x24w and a coral life NO t5 24"j (just under $200). i have also got a 15 g that i run 2 2x24w glo units (about $235).

bignose 08-20-2009 04:55 AM

PC bulbs do work this was on my 10G nano

50/50 96W coralife PC fixture

JPotter 08-20-2009 05:14 AM

Thank you.13" bulbs would be great. What unit do you have them in and how does it attach to the aquarium. Could you put up a tank view and where does on get the balast, stand and bulbs.

JPotter 08-20-2009 05:17 AM

Is the sunlight tek 5 20" or shorter? I have a 24" new wave on a 30" is designed to hang but it was easy to make a support with egg crate.

lorenz0 08-20-2009 06:20 AM

don't waste your money on any 20" lighting. there are no bulbs out there. have you considered upgrading your tank to a 20 gal tall?

ElGuappo 08-20-2009 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by lorenz0 (Post 442418)
don't waste your money on any 20" lighting. There are no bulbs out there.


Snaz 08-20-2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by JPotter (Post 442400)
Thank you.13" bulbs would be great. What unit do you have them in and how does it attach to the aquarium. Could you put up a tank view and where does on get the balast, stand and bulbs.

My lights are the stock Aquapod hood. sells parts and upgrades so you can build your own fixtures easily enough. Look especially at the AP upgrade packages, they offer PDF files with great instructions on how to wire up the ballasts etc.

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