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Atmos 07-29-2009 04:10 AM

Does Your Copperband Butterfly Eat Aiptasia?
I'm just curious because I'm getting one.

whatcaneyedo 07-29-2009 07:54 AM

I could click yes to a few things there. ATM my CBB of 1 year does a fantastic job of eating aptasia and many other things in my tank (some good some bad). But this is also the 5th I've tried (3 of which died). Definitally a difficult fish but worth its weight in gold if you can find a good one.

rzadun 07-29-2009 11:13 AM

My Copperband is three years old. I have no aptaisia left. He eats frozen brine from a turkey baster. Does not bother any other animals.

TJSlayer 07-29-2009 02:27 PM

Mine did an awsome job of getting at the ones it could but died about a month or 2 after getting it. Very cool fish though!

fishoholic 07-29-2009 03:00 PM

I've had my CBB for 3 years now. He is my oldest fish and amazingly one of the very few fish I have that survived the marine velvet disease that went through my tanks. He has always eaten aptasia as well as mysis and he has been reef safe (softies, lps & zoas) in my tank. I have tried two others but both died shortly after I bought them. I think the key with these fish is to find one that the store has in or can hold for a couple of weeks and one that is eating mysis already.

Atmos 07-29-2009 04:27 PM

i'm getting it from thereefshoppe. it eats mysis already... ( i deleted the message where kelly told me) i think hes had it for a while

whatcaneyedo 07-29-2009 05:38 PM

Month 1: Ate all of my spaghetti worms
Month 2: Ate all of my aptasia
Month 3: Began eating frozen mysis shrimp
Month 4: Began eating grocery store mussel
Month 5-10: Began eating the mouths of my open brains, acans, and sea whip polyps as well as bristle worms and some 'pods'.

Fortunately I have a frag tank where I could isolate the coral it was eating to.

Atmos 07-29-2009 11:55 PM

maybe he started eating corals because he ate mussel and its somehow related in taste???

ive just introduced the copperband butterfly to the tank, it looks glorious! :)

BigFatBalloonMolly 08-18-2009 04:58 PM

Mine picked at the Aiptasia and would only eat some of it. Just keep in mind these fish are sometimes hard to feed. The only thing mine EVER ate was frozen brine shrimp. I tried lots of other food and it did not eat it. My Butterfly fish was also huge it got to be 4-5 inches long but after a while it started to play in my sump area to much and ofcourse died 2 weeks later. So now i got a tang instead

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