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christyf5 07-22-2003 08:57 PM

New 90 gal
Set Up Date : July 17, 2003 moved from 48G

Tank Size (LxHxW | Volume): 48x18x24, 90G

Live Rock (Mass):90lbs

Live Sand (Mass): 30lbs sugar sand

Lighting (Type | Wattage | Photoperiod): 2x250W 6500K Iwasaki 12H; 2xNO actinic 12H

Protein Skimmer (Brand | Model): AquaC EV150

Biological Filtration (Type): SSB (~1 inch)

Circulation (Rate | Brand | Model): 2 Maxijet1200s, 1 Hagen 802, 3/4" SeaSwirl on mag 9 return pump

pH (Morning | Evening): 8.1 | 8.3

Temperature (Range | oC | oF): 24-26C

Specific Gravity / Salintity (g/g | ppt): 1.026

Alkalinity (meq/l | dKH): 3 meq/l

Calcium (ppm): 380 ppm

Fish : firefish goby, scopas tang, royal gramma, lined blenny, redheaded goby, chalk basslet, bangaii cardinal, twinspot wrasse, 4 sharknose gobies, lawnmower blenny

Corals : hammer, frogspawn, mushroom leather, finger leather, yellow polyps, green star polyps, zoo mania, various pocillopora, acro, millepora, seratiopora, montipora frags

Invertebrates : 2 turbos, some astrea, nassarius, ceriths, 3" blue maxima clam, 2 fighting conches, boxer crabs, emerald crabs

Maintenance Program : 10G water change biweekly

Additional Information (include estimated total system cost if known): Est cost: about 5 trips to Mexico :rolleyes: :mrgreen:

fishnut 09-30-2003 04:16 PM

What is the photoperiod ?

christyf5 09-30-2003 04:33 PM

MH + Actinic 12h (10:30am-10:30pm)

fishnut 09-30-2003 05:09 PM

Reply to Photoperiod Query
Thanks, Christy.

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