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belzebuth 07-03-2009 07:30 PM

Sump Advice Please?
I was just wondering what is the perfect sump size? My current setup is a 155 gallons display(reef) with a 33 gal sump. I was thinking about redoing the plumbing and maybe sizing up the sump.

I do a 15% water change every 2 weeks. My nutrient levels are pretty high and I feed a lot to keep the tangs happy:lol. More water would also probably help with the 2 to 3 degrees temp fluctuation I experience during the heat waves.

My sump is currently under the main display but the new one doesn't have to be.

Any advice would greatly appreciated.


Neilmcg 07-05-2009 05:21 PM

I had been told a while back, "minimum sump size should be 1/3 of the main tanks capacity", so in your situation I would increase the sump size to 50 - 60 gal. With this size you can use lots of rubble and have a 'fuge full of macro algae to help with the excess nutrient.

whatcaneyedo 07-05-2009 05:54 PM

As big as you can afford and fit so long as you maintain enough flow through so that you dont have stagnate areas. My sump is larger than my display and I'm loving the large stable volume.

Eb0la11 07-05-2009 06:52 PM

I dont really think a rule of thumb is appropriate here. The sump's main purpose is to hide the equipment needed to maintain water parameters. Therefore it can be as small as required to do that job.

Added benefit in having a larger sump is increased water volume in the overall system, which can allow for less frequent water changes or more livestock since your water parameters won't climb as fast (based completely on amount of livestock).

Of course a nice big refugium can be part of a sump as well, but thats almost a completely different component to your standard aquarium so doesnt completely apply to the OP's initial question.

mark 07-05-2009 08:08 PM


Originally Posted by Eb0la11 (Post 432944)
I dont really think a rule of thumb is appropriate here. The sump's main purpose is to hide the equipment needed to maintain water parameters. Therefore it can be as small as required to do that job.

Good comment specially considering people have tanks without sumps (me included, had a 75g for ~3years) and definitely agree bigger is better. More volume, more stability, plus room for a fuge, frag area etc.

You mention sump doesn't have to be under display, you thinking basement?

belzebuth 07-05-2009 08:22 PM

No. The tank is in the wall with fishroom behind, so I don't need to have the sump under the tank. I currently have a CPR refugium hanging on the side of the tank. This fuge has been a pain since I keep all sides free of coraline.

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