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BlueWorldAquatic 06-20-2009 01:50 PM

1st Annual Blue World Aquatic Frag Fest 2009 & Barbecue
1 Attachment(s)
It is Now Official...

Tell all your friends....

Sponsors List:
  • M&M Meats
  • Subway
  • Pizza 73
  • Coral Master
  • Fragalot
  • Tailored Aquatics
  • Nature's Corner Store
  • Little Oceans

If interested please download an application so we can forward the date to you when it is finally picked, this will also help us inform how much food to get from our barbecue sponser.

You can PM me here, or email me at if you have any questions.

Ken - BWA

Store Location

noirsphynx 06-20-2009 03:02 PM

I can't wait for this! I didn't vote on a day because any will work for me.

fishoholic 06-21-2009 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by noirsphynx (Post 429612)
I can't wait for this! I didn't vote on a day because any will work for me.

Same here

BlueWorldAquatic 06-21-2009 05:27 PM

Pass on the word...
Please tell everyone you know....Guess they didn't like me publicizing it on the "Edmonton" forum. But no one is topping other members from doing it.

I will be bringing frags at COST from down east and locally for people to trade.

If you haven't already seen, we have a 180gal frag tank in the making that should be up long before the Frag Fest.

The date is still TBA as I want this to be a nice little social gathering before the fall as it will be one of the last weekends of the summer.

We need to get the marine community helping/trading with each other to lower costs. (This is not the right attitude for a store owner? Right?) Guess what? I'm not in it just for the money, If anyone wants’ to prove me wrong, I'll gladly close the store that day too.

Time will be for 1pm to 4pm on the chosen date.

I have a few volunteers set up already, and also a sponsor for the barbecue so come hungry.

Ken - BWA

bignose 06-22-2009 02:46 AM

This sounds like fun.

Boomboy 06-22-2009 03:22 AM

and this is why i am so excited for this store. great people, great store, and bringing the community together to have some fun.

BlueWorldAquatic 06-22-2009 02:50 PM

Corporate sponsorships are now listed on first post, updated when we get new ones.

If you know anyone else that might be interested, contact me. I'm in the process of contacting some other Vendors on this site too.

Ken - BWA

JOEL 06-22-2009 03:10 PM

This sounds like it will be a good time. I will try to make it.

Parker 06-22-2009 04:07 PM

Sounds like fun, I should be ready for stock around that time too!

stricknine 06-23-2009 12:52 AM

Have no Idea what it is, but will be in any date. [greenhorn]

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