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Zoaelite 06-18-2009 03:37 AM

Crazy New Colonies!
Was testing out a few new settings on my camera and I picked up a few nice colonies from Elite yesterday so I thought I would post em :biggrin:! There's a few old pictures also.

Zoaelite 06-18-2009 03:39 AM


Zoaelite 06-18-2009 03:47 AM


Zoaelite 06-18-2009 03:52 AM


Zoaelite 06-18-2009 03:55 AM


GreenSpottedPuffer 06-18-2009 03:57 AM

They look great!

I have a question for you. What do you dip your Zoanthids in before putting them in the tank if you do? Do you QT them first?

Curious because you have so many and I just found zoanthid eating nudibranches in my tank and they are going to be a huge pain to get out now. Really wish I had been dipping before adding to the tank :neutral:

Zoaelite 06-18-2009 03:58 AM

For new pieces I do a 10 min FW dip and then a complete pick over. I have a Red Corris wrasse just in case though.

MikeP 06-18-2009 04:25 AM

Nice stuff Levi!

kien 06-18-2009 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer (Post 429113)
They look great!

I have a question for you. What do you dip your Zoanthids in before putting them in the tank if you do? Do you QT them first?

Curious because you have so many and I just found zoanthid eating nudibranches in my tank and they are going to be a huge pain to get out now. Really wish I had been dipping before adding to the tank :neutral:

I have the same problem. At first I thought they were pretty (the Nudis), until I discovered that they were eating my zoas! The colonies that I could take out I did, and dipped them in hot fresh water for a few minutes. The zoas close up tight when you take them out of the water so I think that protects them. I have not lost one single zoa from doing this. I shake the rock every minute or so to shake them off and boy did they fall off! Tonnes of the little buggers, as well as zoa eating crabs. All new frags go through this process now. I have some Zoas that are on my live rock and for those I just check them every so often. They are obvious when they are on the zoas because the zoas close up, and nudis cruise over them. Easy to spot so I suck them up with a turkey baster. I like to think that I'm winning the battle because I'm pulling out fewer and fewer every few days.

Zoaelite 06-18-2009 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by kien (Post 429135)
I have the same problem. At first I thought they were pretty (the Nudis), until I discovered that they were eating my zoas! The colonies that I could take out I did, and dipped them in hot fresh water for a few minutes. The zoas close up tight when you take them out of the water so I think that protects them. I have not lost one single zoa from doing this. I shake the rock every minute or so to shake them off and boy did they fall off! Tonnes of the little buggers, as well as zoa eating crabs. All new frags go through this process now. I have some Zoas that are on my live rock and for those I just check them every so often. They are obvious when they are on the zoas because the zoas close up, and nudis cruise over them. Easy to spot so I suck them up with a turkey baster. I like to think that I'm winning the battle because I'm pulling out fewer and fewer every few days.

Nice thing about nudies is that because there a lot larger than something like AEFW or Red bugs its a ton easier to pull them all out. Luckily I have ever only found a Zoa eating nudi once in my tank (which was my 28 cube) and have never seen any after that. Thanks for the compliment mike! Those caps you gave me are doing great still!

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