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corpusse 06-03-2009 04:28 PM

Anyone breeding or collecting mysids?
I'm looking for a source in Canada. I've ordered some from the US but they have been delayed by customs and with each passing hour I am thinking they won't arrive today and will end up dead. I have baby cuttlefish that will soon need food.

Any ideas where to look in Canada? I'm in Mississauga, Ontario so I'm quite far from the ocean :)

Zoaelite 06-03-2009 04:52 PM

Why don't you grow your own, for the cost of live/ plus shipping you can easily set up a culture, buy eggs and then you have a constant healthy supply for the little cuttle fish :biggrin:.

corpusse 06-03-2009 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by zoaElite (Post 425712)
Why don't you grow your own, for the cost of live/ plus shipping you can easily set up a culture, buy eggs and then you have a constant healthy supply for the little cuttle fish :biggrin:.

As far as I know you cannot get mysid eggs.

They are not very easy to culture apparently and are very canabolistic. If I ever get my hands on enough I will certainly try and culture a limited amount but once the cuttles reach about 1 month they will be big enough to try other foods.

Myka 06-03-2009 05:06 PM

If all else fails, brine shrimp grow fast, so you could grow them out for a week or two and they would be a considerable size. I would gut load them first though. I'm assuming the cuttlefish will only eat live foods? What do the parents eat?

corpusse 06-03-2009 06:28 PM

Yeah brine is the emergency food. I'm actually hatching them to feed the mysids lol.

For the first month its hard to get them to eat anything other then live. After a month once they grow a bit they can be trained to eat PE mysis, and then larger frozen shimp.

Update on my order it has finally cleared customs hours late. I'm going to to fedex now to pick them up.

m109r 06-04-2009 03:36 AM

can't help with a mysid source but cuttlefish are so badass, very smart.

what is your setup/method for housing a cuttlefish ?

is it possible to keep them with corals?

I think is would be too cool to have a cuttle fish in a large reef tank

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