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Jason McK 06-01-2009 09:20 PM

LF Large UV sterilizer to borrow or rent GVRD
Does anyone have a UV I can borrow or rent. I know I should probable buy one but I need to test a theory before I buy.

I'm willing to rent it or what ever the owner wants


targa81 06-01-2009 10:16 PM

So what theory do you want to test? I've got a 40 W Aqua Ultraviolet but I am too afraid of the potential consequences if I stop using it. Mine came with my setup otherwise I probably would never have bought it on my own but my tank certainly seems clear, algae and Ich free with it.

Jason McK 06-01-2009 10:24 PM

Well I believe that I have a bacteria based pathogen in my system that is killing my corals. I'd like to borrow a UV to see if I can kill the bacteria.

targa81 06-01-2009 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 425304)
Well I believe that I have a bacteria based pathogen in my system that is killing my corals. I'd like to borrow a UV to see if I can kill the bacteria.

Sorry to hear that. I don't know if I am close enough or my UV is big enough to help you but I would lend it out to save some coral. I really do like this aqua Uv if you want to just buy one, other than the cost I don't see any real downside.

untamed 06-01-2009 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jason McK (Post 425304)
Well I believe that I have a bacteria based pathogen in my system that is killing my corals. I'd like to borrow a UV to see if I can kill the bacteria.

I've long believed that to be the case. It is probably a naturally occuring bacteria that multiplies once it finds a coral that is otherwise weakened. Faced with then overwhelming amount of bacteria, even healthy coral begin to lose their ability to fight the bacteria as well.

Also explains why iodine based dips are sometimes effective.

Tom R 06-02-2009 12:01 AM

Hi Jason

I have a 36W UV that you can borrow.

Tom R

Jason McK 06-02-2009 12:12 AM

Thanks Tom, We should get together this week and play with your Camera!


Delphinus 06-02-2009 03:10 AM

FWIW ... I had this theory as well. I'm running a 57w AquaUV on my 110g .. and while I now have a test frag that has survived, it took several months (2 maybe even 3) before test frags stopped dieing. I think if you have this, you need as big as you can stomach.

I do think it made a difference though. My test frag has lasted about 3 months now.

It's too bad I lost everything else though. (SPS only mind you). I'm now so soured on SPS I don't know about going back into it.

So ... I don't envy your position at all. Hope you find the cause and turn it around quickly. In hindsight I might have been better off doing a tank reset..

Jason McK 06-02-2009 03:58 AM

Thanks Tony, Funny thing is some of my SPS are unaffected while other are a total write off. Even my LPS are being effected and do not extend their polyps.

I think Tom's will do the trick and if so I might invest in one.


skylord 06-02-2009 06:02 AM

I have a new 40w you can use with Toms if needed. Im not sure Toms alone would be enough for your water volume.


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