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Quincy 05-24-2009 06:15 PM

Crazy algae bloom!
Hey my tank cycled last week so i added few snails and a pair clownfish, did a 20%water change with di water, and 4 days later i got brown rust every where and this morning thin green pair hair algae every where its becoming an aglae tank!!!!!!!!!!!!! what should i do? should i do a huge water cahnge, and scrub down my live rock? clean out all the media etc? any help would be great!!!!!!!!

TJSlayer 05-24-2009 06:19 PM

Just part of the cycle it will simmer down but if you want a quick fix for hair algae get a lawnmower blenny....

BlueAbyss 05-24-2009 06:50 PM

+1, this will pass in time with good husbandry. Keep up the regular water changes and you'll be fine in a few weeks. Get a skimmer (if you don't already have one).

Quincy 05-24-2009 08:16 PM

skimmer is running hardly any sklimate lot thin frothy water

ocean diver 05-24-2009 11:15 PM

It happens to all of use when you first start, it will pass just do your water changes and keep your skimmer working as already said.

Quincy 05-24-2009 11:43 PM

thanks guys, i ended up sifting the sand a scrubbed one peice that had a bloom of green algae starting

Quincy 05-24-2009 11:45 PM

will do water change this week, and srub few peices of lr, it not that bad went by few lfs and their tanks were million times bloom than mine, guesse not use to the algae cuz i had fw setups b4

Myka 05-25-2009 12:26 AM

Don't scrub the rock. The more you disturb it like that the more the tank will tend to get algaes. Use a turkey baster and blow the rocks off twice a day. Test your water for nitrates, and phosphates. You can never do too many water changes. Water changes is pretty much the default action for any issue. :lol:

What are you feeding the fish? Are you running GFO at all? What kind of skimmer do you have?

intarsiabox 05-26-2009 02:57 AM

I would wait a month before getting a Lawnmower Blenny to see if you really need one. They are really good at eating algae and before you know it you will have to start feeding it seaweed to keep it from starving. The quality and amount of light you are using will also effect how much algae you get on start up. I would start at six hours a day and slowly work up from there.

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