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Myka 05-08-2009 06:51 AM

Do you use GFO?
I'm actually wondering more who doesn't use GFO. For those who don't know, GFO is granular ferric oxide used to absorb phosphates. Brand names such as RowaPhos, PuraPhos, PhosBan, etc. I'm referring only to the RUST RED stuff, not the white stuff.

Multiple choice if needed...somehow.

Dangit, I screwed up...meant to have the YES options asking how you run it, REACTOR, in a FILTER (like an HOB power filter), or PASSIVELY (in a bag in the sump say). Please comment. :)

I run mine 24/7 in a reactor.

christyf5 05-08-2009 02:28 PM

yes, 24/7, I run it in a phosban reactor, change it out every 3 months :biggrin:

BC564 05-08-2009 02:48 PM

yes....I run a phosban reactor......change it out every 2 months approx.

fkshiu 05-08-2009 03:27 PM

24/7 in a reactor; change approx. every 2 months.

banditpowdercoat 05-08-2009 03:41 PM

Yes, In a Reactor. But I usually lack in changing it. Maybe every 3-4 mos. Thx for reminding me, I should change it tonight.

robzilla 05-08-2009 03:43 PM

in a reactor, mine needs changing too. in the process of ordering some up from bulk reef.

Lance 05-08-2009 06:08 PM

24/7 in a reactor. Changed every 6 weeks.

TVR 05-08-2009 06:15 PM

Used after 2 month of starting the system but not anymore. So where should I vote? - No or Yes?

Myka 05-08-2009 07:06 PM

^ No, you choose not to. :)

whatcaneyedo 05-08-2009 07:30 PM

In a reactor, changed once a month.

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