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nelly29 05-01-2009 04:33 PM

JBJ Nano Cube 12 DX.......
Hey everyone,

I was just starting a 12 gallon nano cube project and thought I would keep a journal of this build. I’m planning on running it pretty stock...going to add a bit more water movement and change out the stock filter inserts, but other then turning over one of the fans it will be a pretty simple set up (going to use it to grow mushrooms, softies, and zoanthids) CUC to be decided later and as far a fish go would like a clown and a g.chromis (way down the road)......

For right now I just have some 1 inch of sand and 17 lbs of base rock in the tank with empty filter compartments and stock pump moving the salt water around...(getting the temp and salinity level to stabilize)

I will post pics of my lifeless set up in a few days :smile:

nelly29 05-02-2009 01:56 AM

Here is a quick FTS of my tank full of base rock and sand substrate:

I have thrown in a pinch of flakes to kick off the now I will wait and start my water tests...This is the first time I have tried to start a cycle with just base rock instead of partial cured live rock...I figured once I add a few frags the base they are on will seed the base rock. I know it will take a long time but I think that is part of the challenge :mrgreen:

I have not made a final decision on my aquascape....but I do want to keep the rock off of all 4 walls inside the aquarium so I can keep them clean...

What do ya think?

Snaz 05-02-2009 04:07 AM

Good start!

nelly29 05-03-2009 08:42 PM

Got my koralia nano in the mail today......time to figure out the best location and increase the flow in the cube :biggrin:

I will take a pic and post later........

nelly29 05-04-2009 11:45 PM

Here is an updated Pic:

This pic is with lights on and the koralia nano behind the rocks giving the tank so extra flow.....I will keep testing water and wait for the spikes so I can start to add some life to the tank!

nelly29 06-21-2009 09:33 PM

Hey guys here is a quick update on my nano.....sorry it has been a while since I have posted an update :(

A new FTS with a few new pieces I have acquired from some local reefers and canreef members (thanks guys :biggrin:)

And a few close ups of some of the corals......

It has been about 7 weeks since base rock hit the saltwater and things seem to be going well.....I now have almost no algea growth between 2 gallon water changes every 5 days or snails and two hermits are doing a great job keeping everything in check!!

My base rock is now starting to get some color since I added 2 peices of cured live rock to seed the tank



Can anyone ID these two corals?????


Can anyone ID this coral?????

Hammer Coaral?

I think my next addition is going to be a perppemint shrimp.....

Any comments are welcomed :D

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