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Phanman 04-23-2009 05:38 PM

Pioneer Elite in Calgary?
Does anyone know where i can find this tv in Calgary? I know they its not available in canada, but if anyone knows maybe a specialty store or etc... please let me know



TheMikey 04-23-2009 07:17 PM

Visions in Saskatoon used to carry Pioneer TVs. I assume there's a location in Calgary.

However I heard that Pioneer was getting out of Plasmas. Also, as a TV salesperson, I'd recommend looking at a Panasonic or Samsung. They're almost the same quality but a fraction of the price! It's the difference between having a TV and a TV and a quality Home Theater setup too :D

On the other hand, Pioneer Plasmas are incredible.

gobytron 04-23-2009 07:58 PM

when I used to sell electronics at soundsaround, I used to make some of by biggest commisions of the pioneer elite series plasma tvs...
They were 15,000 back then and we moved quite a few, you might want to check and see if they still carry pioneer elite.

Phanman 04-23-2009 09:17 PM

thanks guys, its for my sister and she insists on this TV for some reason. Ive tried to get her to go Samsung but she wont have it, lol. Women... jk jk

Trigger Man 04-24-2009 05:18 AM


Originally Posted by Phanman (Post 413963)
thanks guys, its for my sister and she insists on this TV for some reason. Ive tried to get her to go Samsung but she wont have it, lol. Women... jk jk

Does your sister know that Pioneer is getting out of the TV industry? I know Soundsaround carried the Elites, and you could get a pretty good deal on them as they are trying to clear them out bit by bit.

Blowfish 04-24-2009 09:36 AM

best damn tv on the planet bar none, i have the 60" version

Phanman 04-24-2009 04:09 PM

really? didnt know they are getting out of the TV side of things.. Thanks for the heads up, ill let her know.

Trigger Man 04-24-2009 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Blowfish (Post 414181)
best damn tv on the planet bar none, i have the 60" version

Don't get me wrong, Pioneer made one of the best Plasmas out there, only other brand that made anything near it was Panasonic. To bad Plasmas use so much electricity and are now being banned in many nations, hence the reason that most manufacturers are no longer going to be producing them. Basically what it came down to is that LCD TV's use way less energy and the new ones can achieve almost the same blacks as plasmas (with the new top of the line Sony units claiming that they can achieve the same as plasmas), so with the green push it was only natural that the "suv's of the car industry" would be phased out.

TheMikey 04-24-2009 10:38 PM

Wow. Don't listen to what Trigger just said as it is completely misleading. The only Plasmas that are getting banned are the HUGE 100" + Plasmas that only the rich can afford. But that's like Idling a Hummer 24/7 anyway.

True, Plasma televisions use about 2-4x as much electricity as an LCD TV. BUT don't forget that Plasmas use roughly one half to one third the power that old CRT televisions use. The problem, though, is that people compare 32" CRTs to 50" Plasma. Not a fair comparison. Plasmas are suffering the same attack as HDDVD did. Namely the Sony hype machine is killing sales. LCDs have a lot of power words behind them - mostly 120Hz and other similar features. But the truth is that comparing a Plasma to an LCD is like comparing a Ferrari to a Porsche. Sure, both of them get you from A to B and look good doing it, but the Ferrari will outperform the Porsche no problems.

It's the same thing with Plasmas and LCD TVs. Go put on something in Blu Ray like Batman Begins, where you have a lot of shadow, and Plasmas will blow you away.

Anyway, here's some links regarding energy consumption in Plasmas:

Trigger Man 04-24-2009 11:03 PM

Thanks The Mikey for clearing up that only the large ones are getting banned in the next little while (automaticly assumed 50 inch plus sized TV's), but from what I was last told by my TV rep that currently sells plasmas is that there is more legislation in the works to make hitting the energy star rating even tougher for plasmas being introduced in many European Countries(once again I am talking 50 inch or bigger as that is the sizes I buy, so I don't know about smaller then that).
Panasonic actually lists the energy consumed, and the 50+ inch ones listed 495 w or more on their stickers. My Plasmas listed a lot higher then what was listed on the review you qouted.
I do know for a fact though that Pioneer is getting out of the TV market, and that can be verified if you ask most salespersons in the TV departments.
I too agree that the blacks on plasmas show a lot better then my Sony LCD TV that I have, but even comparing the Sony I had a couple of years ago to the current one the difference is noticeable. So I do look forward to the new high end Bravias that are saying that they are going to be as good as any other TV on the market.

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