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Lucky Trout 06-23-2003 04:51 AM

FS: Every Thing Must Go
Well I tried to sell everything together but that just didn't work so i figured i would try parting up the tank like everyone has asked me to do.

SO here is a list and some pics of what i have left. Don't get me wrong i would much rather sell the whole thing together. It's can still be yours for
$ 2200.00 if anyone is interested. I will deliver at no extra charge.

This is what I got:

155 Gal Oceananic Bow Front Tank,3 Piece Glass tops ,and Oceanic Black wood Bow Front stand $1500.00 for tank stand, glass top, also nets, and cleaning equipment. Hoses, Hoses Bucket Clip, Big Floating Magnet, Scrub pads, Turkey Baster, Veggy Clip, (2) 6 gal Buckets.

2X 110watt Compact Fluorescents (4 new bulbs 1 month ago) $300.00 Pair

SeaClone Hang-on Protein skimmer $ 120.00

300watt heater $15

Ehiem Pro 2028 Canaster filter $ 150

Aquaclear 500 $50

2X 802 Powerheads $ 40 each $ 75.00 pair

Two boxes of live Rock, Cured for 1 month, In tank for 2 months. Each box has about 75-80 Lbs. Tonga, Figi and some live Lava Roack covered in Copepods which i used as base rock. I'd like $300.00 a box or $ 500 for all of it.

The rock ranged in size and detail. Here are a few pics.

Kent Marine Additives: Liquid Reactor 16.oz, Coral-Vite 8.oz, Coral-Accel
8.oz, Strontium & Molybdenum 8.oz, Essential Elements 8.oz, Marine C 8.oa,Lugol's Solution 8.oz(iodine) Plus 7.06.oz can of O.S.I. Spirulina Flakes unopened, NutraFin Mini Master Test Kit (never used), 16.oz Bottle of Cycle never used all for $100.00

If anyone is interested i have to sell this tank i need to move. PM me or email me directly

Thanks everyone

1bigstud 06-25-2003 04:24 AM

I would like the heater pm me and we can arrange something

ryan_lalande 06-26-2003 12:15 AM

your prices
id jsut like to say that your prices are incredibly high....maybe you should cut them down by alot!

Rus 06-26-2003 01:54 AM

are you talking about the rock in the pictures you posted , if you are , i hope you don't mind me saying there's no way anyone will come close to even half price of what you want for that, as well as the seaclone is maybe worth $50 or so . sorry i don't mean to slam you, just , if you really want to move this , you should start at minum 50% of retail price .

- Russ

Aquattro 06-26-2003 02:00 AM

Although I hate seeing people slam someone's prices, you are asking more for your 802 powerheads than J&L sells them for new :rolleyes:

Lucky Trout 07-02-2003 06:15 AM

I hate to say it but you guys are right i think i way sleeping when i wrote the first Thread.

I still need to get rid of alot of Equipment and need to sell it at a fare price. My stuff ain't gold but i know what it cost me. So iv'e droped the price of everyting hoping someone will take this off my hands.

I really need to sell the rock First. ASAP.

Will sell in any load. but would like to sell boxes of 80 Lbs for $ 250. or
$ 3.00 a Lbs.

Also i still have the tank, stand and glass lid for $ 1300.00 Obo.

2X 110watt Compact Fluorescents (4 new bulbs 1 month ago) $300.00 Pair

SeaClone Hang-on Protein skimmer $ 60.00

Ehiem Pro 2028 Canaster filter $ 130

Aquaclear 500 $40

2X 802 Powerheads $ 25 each $ 50.00 pair

I bought this stuff when i got the tank and havent used any one them.

Kent Marine Additives: Liquid Reactor 16.oz, Coral-Vite 8.oz, Coral-Accel
8.oz, Strontium & Molybdenum 8.oz, Essential Elements 8.oz, Marine C 8.oa,Lugol's Solution 8.oz(iodine) Plus 7.06.oz can of O.S.I. Spirulina Flakes unopened, NutraFin Mini Master Test Kit (never used), 16.oz Bottle of Cycle never used all for $100.00 OBO

If you are insterested please PM me thanks

impreza 07-02-2003 10:19 PM

do u live in calgary? interested, in powerhead, rocks, and aquaclear 500...

Aquattro 07-02-2003 10:36 PM

His profile says Mission, which is slightly west of Calgary

Mak 07-03-2003 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by reef_raf
His profile says Mission, which is slightly west of Calgary

Slightly? :confused: . More like in a completly different Province :lol: . B.C. of course :biggrin: .

Lucky Trout 07-03-2003 07:24 AM

impreza I may be coming to Ccalgary in a week or two? Are you still interested?


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