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my2rotties 04-14-2009 03:14 PM

Griffie the puffer keeping in shape
My husband snapped these shots this morning at lights on. Griffie does this about three to four times a month and it is not due to any stress... he is not under any stress and nobody was bothering or ever does. I( used to freak out when he did since I have read that puffers blow up due to stress, but this proves otherwise...

lastlight 04-14-2009 03:24 PM

How did you mount that birdsnest colony that has the big eyes?

my2rotties 04-14-2009 03:35 PM

I am not too sure which colony you are mentioning... but it is all reef epoxy and gel glue...or some are mounted by being wedged into the rocks really well.


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 410568)
How did you mount that birdsnest colony that has the big eyes?

lastlight 04-14-2009 03:57 PM

I actually meant your puffer =)

Delphinus 04-14-2009 04:01 PM

He does look like a floating birdnest colony! Hahaha!

Guess he's just checking to make sure he still knows how?

my2rotties 04-14-2009 04:09 PM

ZING!!! Right over my head... need more coffee pronto. He does look like a floating birdsnest colony. Too funny. I love this fish, he is the best. We had a rough time at first but he was well worth the trouble in the end.


Originally Posted by lastlight (Post 410583)
I actually meant your puffer =)

levi1803 04-14-2009 04:50 PM

haha, that's awesome!!

my2rotties 04-14-2009 04:58 PM

I LOVE this guy, he is such a blast. He is particularly endearing when he begs against the glass. He will do a "blowfish" on the glass, and then stick his eyeball and part of his face against it, flattening himself, and then swim back and forth like this...he is the first fish to greet me, and follows me around the room begging.


Originally Posted by levi1803 (Post 410615)
haha, that's awesome!!

karazy 04-14-2009 11:57 PM

hahaha, thats funny.

the reason they puff up when not stressed is usualy because they just feel like stretching.

if you put your arms at your sides for weeks at a time you'd probably wanna stretch too.

my2rotties 04-15-2009 12:09 AM

True enough and he probably ate a snail that I got from Colby yesterday. He bee lined for then and was chewing on one for awhile...When he has a belly ache he normally does the puffing to realign himself inside so he could eat even more.


Originally Posted by karazy (Post 410801)
hahaha, thats funny.

the reason they puff up when not stressed is usualy because they just feel like stretching.

if you put your arms at your sides for weeks at a time you'd probably wanna stretch too.

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