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rstar 04-06-2009 05:45 AM

The Worlds Fastest Tank Build... (New Photos 1.26.2010)
Jan 26: New photos added to page 7, been a while since ive taken any, busy being a daddy!

Dec 2: No more bryopsis! New Photos added to bottom of thread!

Oct 10: Changed lights last week, new photos added last page

Ok so some of you may have read my thread a couple nightt ago about the bottom brace letting go, and leaning the tank problem. So without further ado, i give you the world fastsest tank build... maybe.

Here are a few pics of the old 90 with the trim cracking.

My Saturday started with a desparate phone call to my LFS. At this point ive only had 3 hours of sleep.

I have to say the LFS owner in Saskatoon went ABOVE and BEYOND for me. He came in from building his house just to give me a hand. The only tank he had in stock that was reef ready was a 120gal 48X24X24 with a right side center overflow. So off i went 100KM into the city to pick up this tank and everything i needed. I got into the city by 4:30pm. Picked up the tank, then had to go and get everything i needed to build a stand. Luckily my two brother in laws were with me as i have never built a stand.

We got back into Rosetown by about 10:30pm and got to work on the stand by 11:00 pm in my cold unheated garage.

We based the stand off the one for my LFS' display tank. 2X6 Boxes with 2X4 risers.

rstar 04-06-2009 05:51 AM

Of course working in the col and REALLY late into the night we had to set up a coffe bar on the work bench in my garage.

This picture was taken around 2:00am

The it was back to work on the stand.

We decided to put a sheet of OSB on the top of the tank with some foam board on top of that.

Finally at 4:00am the stand was complete and it was time to load test!

We then moved the stand into the house and too a quick breather and got back to work draining the old tank.

I was really grasping at straws for anywhere we could keep the old water from the tank. so this process of removing everything took about 3 hours. All in all ive lost one fish to a rock falling in his hold tank. It was my recently purchased blue cheek trigger.

rstar 04-06-2009 06:03 AM

This is just a quick shot of inspecting the new tank.

So by about 8:00am We had the old tank drained and moved out with the new tank sitting in its new home.
We had to shim the tank stand as my floor as a slight slope to it, this was a frustrating hour of getting everything supported. I ended up using an extra panel of 8mm laminate i had kicking around.

I decided to turf all my old sand and go with one 40lbs bag of aragonite rinsed thoroughly. It was just enough to skim the bottom of the tank and i quite like it.

by 9:00 we were setting up all the plumbing for the overflow. This was frustrating as apparantly home depot no longer sells pvc under 4" We had to make so with what i had lie around and the few connectors my LFS gave me the day before when picked up the tank.

By 1:00pm we pretty much had the tank refilled and everything moved back into the tank.

The Rock-Work is just pretty puch thrown together as we were getting REALLY burned out at this point. Though i really do like the cave on the side.

At 2:30 my brother in law and i passed out on the couch for a few hours and woke at 8:00pm tonight to a nice clear tank. all that was left to do was plug the skimmer in and go to sleep...

So there you have it everyone a 24hr tank build!!

Lance 04-06-2009 06:18 AM

Wow! That's awesome. And it looks good too!

Chaloupa 04-06-2009 06:35 AM does look good...lucky you there is a very very happy ending..... AND a bigger tank! Nice work guys!

lobsterboy 04-06-2009 06:37 AM

looks good, nice

sunce_22 04-06-2009 06:37 AM

Congrats on the happy ending! We were following along and worried the whole way!

rstar 04-06-2009 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chaloupa (Post 408251) does look good...lucky you there is a very very happy ending..... AND a bigger tank! Nice work guys!

I was very happy that is ended well. I can tank one fish loss over a whole reef. W are pretty pleased with the way it all turned out! Thanks for the compliments!!

rstar 04-06-2009 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by sunce_22 (Post 408255)
Congrats on the happy ending! We were following along and worried the whole way!

It's amazing the support that members of thie site gove eachother. Thanks for the support!

mark 04-06-2009 11:39 AM

nice (and quick)

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