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gregb. 03-30-2009 04:43 AM

Greg's 135g.
I would like to introduce myself,and my tank.Anyway after many years of FW I finally have stepped up to reefing.I bought a running 66g.FOWLR and slowly started working on converting my 135g.Malawi Hap.tank to a full blown reef tank.The 66 came with a Bicolor Angel,2 Bangaii Cardinals,Banana Wrasse (I believe)and a Pixie Hawkfish and some kind of a Red Shrimp that molts every month.To this tank I've added a Coral Beauty,Scopas Tang and a Lawnmower Blenny.As you can see I'm a fish guy anyway,my 135g. has cycled with about100 lbs. of Live Rock,I have another be moved from the 66g..My present parameters are 0 Ammonia,0 Nitrite and 0 Nitrate,so I believe I'm ready to transfer the fish,rest of Live Rock to the new tank.My only concern is the 135 is presently substrate free,I have 60lbs. of bagged Sugar Sand and another 40lbs. in my other tank,what is the best way to add the substrate?I will add pictures as I continue along, and I would also like to thank Steve (Engineered Aquatics) for the awesome sump,skimmer and pumps and Colby(Bayside Corals) for the Live Rock etc. and advice.Sorry for the long post,thanks in advance and "Cheers" Greg.

Delphinus 03-30-2009 05:32 AM

Welcome to Canreef!

Just a thought.. Have you considered going bare bottom in the tank?

fishytime 03-30-2009 02:00 PM

Welcome to canreef......where are those pics!....:mrgreen:

christyf5 03-30-2009 03:12 PM


Skimmerking 03-30-2009 03:20 PM

Welcome man to your new home.... If you are thinking to keeping the sand I would go with the SEACHEM SELECT. its amazing stuff not to big and not to fine. I love it in my tank. its doesn't have the fine dust like the other stuff. i really like it in my high flow SPS tank. and with 2 mp40w vortechs in a 150 60x24x24 at ful tilt the sand doenst move alot in there..... but hte polyps do for sure.....

now give us some pictures of your progress...

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