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GreenSpottedPuffer 03-25-2009 08:37 AM

Copperband (pls. close)
Before I get into this, I just want to start by saying this is not a thread to start a big debate in. I just want to share my last experience with Copperband Butterfly fish and hope something can be learned from yet another of my personal mistakes.

I had already tried 4-5 in the past few years (sad I can't remember exactly). All eating just fine and in most cases very well. All gained weight, looked great and died within months of acquiring them. All showed no signs of health problem until the DAY of death. The last one did seem to deteriorate over a weeks time but never really looked too bad until the end. Every time I can remember they ended up with some kind of internal rupturing (very evident from the bruises) in the exact same area each time. Usually also cloudy eyes.

Reluctantly I tried another because I found one from a members tank who had had it for a few months and it looked great. This was the only way I was willing to ever try one again. Its been a month now or so. He eats prawns, mussels, clams, mysis, ect. Even picks at nori. He had been gaining weight quite rapidly the past few weeks.

Tonight he suddenly showing the exact same symptoms. This morning he looked great, ate all day long and tonight he is having a very hard time swimming, bumping into everything, being blown around by powerheads and mostly unresponsive. He also has the same bruises suddenly on his side.

Needless to say, he is on his way out. I will most likely put him down if he is still the same in the morning as I have seen this too many times now and know the outcome. They do not recover.

I would go ahead and say what I believe is the cause (I think most people know) but lately it doesn't seem like a good idea around here and I simply don't want this to begin another debate. Especially since its not something I can prove.

I just hope that one day soon people do start to realize how tough these fish are to keep and they become less common. Please don't make the mistake I have made. Don't wait until 5 have died in your tank to stop buying them. I am by no means an expert fish keeper but fish simply do not die in my tanks the past few years unless they have jumped or are Copperband Butterflies/Scissor Gobies.

The worst part of it all is how attached I got to this one. I guess I had it in my head that this was finally the one that would make it. Its been devastating tonight to sit by the tank and watch this happen. I also feel I let the member I bought him from down as I had promised a good home to his clearly loved "pet". It wasn't an easy thing for him to let this fish go and I just wish I could have done more.

I have pictures and may post them eventually.

GreenSpottedPuffer 03-25-2009 09:04 AM

If there has been one thing about this experience that really has been amazing its the way my Naso tang has responded to the Copperband tonight. He has not left his side. I thought at first it was coincidence but I have now observed him "laying" or hovering beside the copperband for hours. If the copperband moves, he follows. He even chased my Yellow tang away just now when the yellow got too close to the Copperband.

I have snapped some pics and will post them. Although amazing to see the Naso act this way, they are very sad pictures :(

The Naso has never shown any interest or bond with the Copperband until it was not feeling well tonight.

andestang 03-25-2009 03:18 PM

Thats interesting, as I also have a CB and he chums around with my Hippo tank. They stay together all the time. Sad to hear about yours :(


Originally Posted by GreenSpottedPuffer (Post 403662)
If there has been one thing about this experience that really has been amazing its the way my Naso tang has responded to the Copperband tonight. He has not left his side. I thought at first it was coincidence but I have now observed him "laying" or hovering beside the copperband for hours. If the copperband moves, he follows. He even chased my Yellow tang away just now when the yellow got too close to the Copperband.

I have snapped some pics and will post them. Although amazing to see the Naso act this way, they are very sad pictures :(

The Naso has never shown any interest or bond with the Copperband until it was not feeling well tonight.

GreenSpottedPuffer 03-25-2009 03:41 PM

So he passed away about 30 mins. after my last post last night. I got ready for bed and when I came back to check the tank, he was dead...the Naso still right by his side.

Another thing I noticed was that he got extremely skinny within that 2-3 hour period where his health declined and he passed. I am not exaggerating, it was about 2-3 hours. He looked great just hours before--and this isn't the first time I have had one suddenly deteriorate this fast and I remember the last thread when I had one die like this many, many people chimed in saying they had experienced the exact same thing...something is not right.

Anyways, here are a few pictures with approx. times to show how incredible the Naso's actions were. I am still amazed by him. It very well may just have been curiosity but in many of the pics, you can actually see him looking down at the dying copperband. I can also tell you he was chasing off any other fish from the tank that came anywhere close to the copperband.

Approx. 12pm

Approx. 1am

Approx. 2:00am (still alive but unable to swim)

Approx. 2:45am (Copperband dead) (Naso had not left his side and this is NOT where he usually sleeps..after I took the copperband out, the Naso left to go to bed)

levi1803 03-25-2009 03:56 PM

wow that is pretty sad, sorry to hear about losing your fish. That's amazing that the tang wouldn't leave it's side, makes you think they know something is going on.

banditpowdercoat 03-25-2009 03:58 PM

Damn, thats sad and cool at the same time. Copperbands are so beautifull. But alas, I will not get one. If you can't keep them alive, I sure aint gona be able to

es355lucille 03-25-2009 03:59 PM

Sorry for your loss. That was a very beautiful fish.:cry:

GreenSpottedPuffer 03-25-2009 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by levi1803 (Post 403737)
wow that is pretty sad, sorry to hear about losing your fish. That's amazing that the tang wouldn't leave it's side, makes you think they know something is going on.

I KNOW he knew something was going on. I have never seen him hang out anywhere near the copperband in the past or pay him any attention before this. Its not like they had been "buddies" prior to this. As soon as the Copperband started to look bad down in that corner, he never left his side. I thought maybe coincidence until I saw him chase a few fish out of the area. He never does that. I had never seen my Naso chase any other fish in the tank before.


Originally Posted by banditpowdercoat (Post 403741)
Damn, thats sad and cool at the same time. Copperbands are so beautifull. But alas, I will not get one. If you can't keep them alive, I sure aint gona be able to

It is sad but yet amazing at the same time.


Originally Posted by es355lucille (Post 403743)
Sorry for your loss. That was a very beautiful fish.:cry:

Thanks. He was a beautiful fish and seemed to be the healthiest I had ever kept. He ate so well and was super active. Its amazing how quickly things can change for no apparent reason.

workn2hard2day 03-25-2009 04:14 PM


Treebeard 03-25-2009 04:17 PM

Such a beautiful fish! That is really sad.

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