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Quincy 03-24-2009 05:41 AM

Any RSM 250 retailers in Calgary?
I was wondering if there were any RSM250 in calgary for sale any where? and how much? any info would be much appreciated.
thank you

Snaz 03-24-2009 07:28 PM

A call to Redsea Houston reveals RSM 250 will not be available in Canada until at least late April.

Quincy 03-24-2009 09:33 PM

thanks snaz, yeah i am on a call pist from picies when they come in next month apparently $2200!!!! may think about a nice custum setup if it cheaper, any help or suggests on a setup would be great help from anyone!!!!

sitandwatch 03-24-2009 09:43 PM

Wow $2200.00 bucks for a 66gal tank, I picked up a RSM130 and really like it but when I go bigger I am thinking of a custom setup.

I have already replaced the skimmer and have been thinking about other lighting so I don't think I saved anything by not going custom.

Hit up Red Coral or another LFS and ask about pricing you might be able to get more for less?

Ron99 03-24-2009 10:04 PM

The fellow at J&L told me they brought one in for a customer. Price was something like $1500 so not bad at all. Check with them because even with shipping it might be less than $2200!

Snaz 03-24-2009 10:15 PM

Yes pricey but for an All In One this kicks the camel's ass.

Quincy 03-24-2009 10:45 PM

i just called j&L they said special order and it $1599 but they wou;d not ship it :(

Quincy 03-25-2009 01:34 AM

I called around town and red coral, golds and few other places in town should be getting them soon price range $1700-1850 :)

Palster 03-25-2009 03:32 AM

I was in King Ed Pet in Burnaby on the weekend and they had 2 of them in stock. The price was $1800.00.

sitandwatch 03-25-2009 06:34 AM

Oh Snap, for under $2000.00 I might have to get one to match my 130. :biggrin:

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