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fishoholic 03-23-2009 01:01 AM

Marine Betta Questions
I was wondering if anyone has a marine betta in their tank. Just curious about what they eat and what their personalities are like. Anyone with personal experience or thoughts/ideas? Any insight would be great thanks. PS. I don't think I'll be getting one, I'm just curious to learn more about them.

targa81 03-23-2009 03:12 PM

I have one, fantastic fish. Shy at first,hides in caves and comes out mainly to eat. But when he shows himself and flares his fins one of the most beautiful fish you will ever see.Quite peaceful as long as nothing edible that fits into his mouth swims by. Tough to get eating at first but now eats anything including pellets.

BC564 03-23-2009 03:50 PM

I have one....beautiful fish......feed him mysis and krill...if you have shrimp in your tank.....they will disappear......he loves them...

justinl 03-23-2009 04:05 PM

general consensus is that these fish are kind of shy in most tanks but will become less so over time (will still hide quite a bit though). reef-safe in the sense that they don't look at corals though they will eat small fish/shrimp. That said anyone that I have known who has owned one has loved it if not considered it to be their favourite fish in the tank. Who can blame them? they are beautiful fish... they just require a little more thought to go into stocking their co-inhabitants.

Leah 03-23-2009 04:16 PM

Humm, been looking for away to get rid of two camels

Patrick1 03-23-2009 04:19 PM

I have had one for 2 years now. He was out a fair bit at first, then I didn't see him for 6 months assumed he was dead. I made some changes to my live rock a few months ago. Now he is always out and comes right to the front of the tank at feeding time and I have had him eat out of my hand a few times now.

Loves mysis..

Leah 03-23-2009 04:20 PM

What else do you have for fish?

BC564 03-23-2009 04:42 PM

I had put about 7 small chromis in my tank....and over a period of about 3 weeks....they were slowly disappearing......when it got down to 3...i put in 4 more......what can I say...I like 7 3 more disappeared....I put in 3 more again...and they are all still there...after 2 weeks......I have never seen him eat a fish....but he is the only fish I have that would....

animalcrossing 03-23-2009 04:43 PM

i have one in my 220 and is out from time to time showing off loves mysis brine mix

Rbacchiega 03-23-2009 09:37 PM

had one for about 3 years. great fish once it overcomes it's shyness. My guy would pick the occasional snail/crab but eats mainly PE mysis

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