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24storm 03-13-2009 04:36 PM

Skimmer ASM or Tunze or Hydor?
Looking for a skimmer for a tank i am setting up will be approx 120 gallon total water volume.

What are your opinions on these 2 skimmers?

Looking at either a Tunze 9205 or a ASM G2

Let me know what you think or if you have any other recommendations.

Thanks Keith

Delphinus 03-13-2009 04:47 PM

I ran a G3 on my cube (115g -ish). To be honest I wished I had gone with a bigger size. I was constantly battling nitrates. Now that I run a beckett on it, the nitrates have fallen down to zero and it's constantly pulling gunky skimmate out.

So, not knocking the ASM over the Tunze, from what I understand both are decent skimmers, but I would be worried the G2 may be undersized for your tank.

Never ran a Tunze so don't know how the ratings compare to advertised on those...

24storm 03-13-2009 04:52 PM

Well Tony

I have a G4 that came with my tank i purchased a couple of years ago and i fired it up and it has been running in my sump for a week now and i can not get it pull hardley anything. I think i need to maybe get a new pump for it cause man is that thing noisey compared to my Bubble King.

I have not seen the Tunze in action. Golds just set one up on a new tank and was looking for some feedback. I love how small they are and they use very little power.


fkshiu 03-13-2009 04:55 PM

Both these skimmers are way undersized for your tank unless you're looking to only run softies. ASMs are notorious for overrating their skimmers and at least if you check Tunze's website they'll give you are formula for calculating down from their "up to 132 gallon" rating depending on application.

24storm 03-13-2009 05:35 PM

Anyone have a recommendation for this system? This will be a frag tank set up so bioload will be low. But it will have a few fish in it.

Thanks Keith

Red Coral Aquariums 03-13-2009 06:08 PM

I have been very impressed and have had very positive customer input with the Hydor Skimmers. I would recommend a model 600.

fishoholic 03-13-2009 07:23 PM

I ran an ASM G4 on my 230g tank and it worked great. Pulled out lots of gunk and I never had any problems with it.

24storm 03-14-2009 04:28 AM

Anyone have any input on Hydor skimmers?

They seam well built but i have not heard anything about them before.
I would be looking at the 500 model.


Pazil 03-14-2009 03:08 PM

I run the Hydor 700 model on my 150g cube and I have to empty the cup every 2 - 3 days. It was extremely easy to setup and tune...almost PNP type of skimmer. I am very happy with it.


24storm 03-15-2009 07:41 PM

I seen your build thread looks pretty good.

Anyone else have any info on these Hydor skimmers? Or anything else to recommend in the 400 price range.


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