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Snappy 03-05-2009 02:05 PM

Coming to town Mar 11
I will be coming to Edmonton next Wed Mar 11 so if anyone wants anything from Coral Master please let me know.

rocketlily 03-05-2009 03:37 PM

Do you have any corals that are a "plating coral". I'm very leary of putting any montiporas in the tank. I did have one in the past and went through the "Montipora eating Nudibranch" thing with it and have since stayed away from them.

Snappy 03-08-2009 01:03 AM

Yes I have a frag of a nice scroll if you're interested. Bright yellow rimmed Turbinaria reniformis.:biggrin: I also have some bright green monti cap.

rocketlily 03-08-2009 04:38 AM

I would like your opinion please. I had the nudibranches in a 20 gal tank a year ago in March after purchasing an aquacultured Montipora at a LFS in Edmonton. The demise of the Montipora was very quick. From the time I discovered the little critters to the time I removed the skeleton was less than a week.

That was one year and 2 tanks ago. However, the original 20 lbs. of rocks has carried forward to my current tank. Do you think there would be any eggs of little critters left? Should I try another Montipora or wait longer?

Snappy 03-08-2009 06:08 AM

They will not eat acropora. They will eat montipora and when that food source runs out they die off. I know of one case where they moved onto a scroll coral and ate that but when that was gone so were they. It is very unlikely there will be any sign of them after all this time. I don't believe they can lay dormant in the rock for 2 years.

J.Lloy 03-08-2009 03:04 PM

sent ya an e-mail

rocketlily 03-08-2009 03:18 PM

Sent you an email.

Snappy 03-10-2009 04:08 AM

Thanks to those I have been in contact with. Anyone else? Last call.:biggrin:

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