Pier Pressure |
03-02-2009 03:30 PM |
FS Tank, Stand & Filters - Calgary
Hello, people. I have a few odds and ends I need to find a home for.
1. I have a Rena XP3 (used about a year) with all parts in perfect working order - $80.
2. I have a Rena XP3 (used about two years) with all parts in perfect working order except it is missing a hose (I am using that on my salt tank) - $50. Hose can be replaced for around $20 at Pisces.
3. 33 gallon tank and wooden stand (old, minorly scratched - used as freshwater fry tank) $50. This comes with the lid, strip lights and gravel if you want it.
All equipment was used for freshwater, nothing is drilled or has an overflow or anything and I still have not figured out how to post pictures. I live in Calgary fairly close to downtown.