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PFoster 02-22-2009 03:58 PM

VorTech Pumps Now In Stock!
We are pleased to announce that we are now fully stock in the world best and most inovative aquarium pumps, the Echotech Marine VorTech Pumps.

The technologically superior VorTech aquarium pump line features the MP20 and MP40w—the smallest propeller pumps on the market when you consider how much flow they create and how little space they occupy inside the aquarium.

The magnetic coupling clamps the assembly to the tank and transmits motion through your aquarium
glass. This means that you have no bulky equipment with your tank, less heat transfer and HUGE amounts of flow all from one pump!


The MP20 from EcEcoTech Marine has revolutionized reef aquarium propeller pumps. Ideally suited for smaller aquariums, the MP20 produces unmatched broad yet gentle flow while placing the motor outside the tank—preserving the beauty of your aquarium and enhancing the health of your tank’s ecosystem.

If your tank needs to grow, the MP20 can be upgraded to the MP40w—providing you wireless communication between your pumps and even more functionality and flow.

Flow: 500-2000 gallons per hour
Power Consumption: 6-18 watts
Aquarium Wall Thickness Range: 3/16”-3/4”


The MP40w produces from 1,000 to 3,200 gallons per hour of low velocity gentle water current. The flow is so impressive and broad, that it actually creates an undertow along your sand bed. You will notice an equal amount of flow going out of your pump as you will see going back into it! Moreover, because the flow pattern is so wide, there is no reason to direction the flow, simply place the pump on the back or sides of your aquarium and flow will be created throughout the whole tank.

And dont forget about the BEST PART:
Every MP40W model VorTech pump is wave controllable right out of the box! With our new Wireless Wave Driver, the VorTech pump can act autonomously to create waves in your aquarium, or can be synched with other pumps in the tank to create random and pulsing movements. When any one pump is entered into feed mode, the pump will signal all other VorTech pumps to shut down, eliminating the time required for you to turn off each pump individually. No other pump on the market can even compare to the intelligence of the VorTech pump.

Flow: 1,000-3,200 gallons per hour
Power Consumption: 9-28 watts
Aquarium Wall Thickness Range: 3/16”-3/4”

Features of the MP20 and MP40w:
Feed Mode: Slows down your pump
for 10 minutes to allow you to feed
your aquarium.
Constant Speed Mode: The pump runs
at a constant speed you set based on
your aquarium’s specific needs.
Reef Crest Mode: Automatically simulates
the high-energy conditions of a natural
reef crest environment.
Lagoon Mode: Automatically simulates
a calmer, lagoon reef environment.
Short Pulse Mode: Allows for wave pulse
timings between 0.3 and two seconds,
enabling the creation of FAST alternating
flow throughout the tank.
Long Pulse Mode: Allows for wave pulse
timings of between two seconds and 60
seconds, enabling the creation of slow
alternating flow throughout the tank.
Night Mode: Enables the pump to
operate for 14 hours in whichever mode
is selected for the day and go back to
Night Mode for 10 hours. Master pumps
will tell their slaves to go into Night
Mode as well (MP40w only).
Pump Disconnect: Automatically shuts
down the system if the wet and dry
sides become separated.

Additional features of the MP40w:
Wireless Wave Driver: Enables
wireless coordination between
multiple MP40w units right out of
the box, with no extra equipment to
buy—making it the most cost-effective
solution on the market.
Sync and Anti-Sync Slave
In a multi-pump setup,
slave pumps will operate in sync or
inverse (anti-sync) to the master
pump to create tidal currents within
your aquarium.

Skimmerking 02-22-2009 04:02 PM

PM me the price of 2 x 40w with the wireless drivers
and 2x 20's I debating on what ones to get

noirsphynx 02-22-2009 05:52 PM

I'd be interested in the $ of the MP40 as well.

dreef 02-22-2009 08:42 PM

Aaah Mike you just keep using your tunze,you won't like the vortechs :) Actually you would LUV them,there amazing !! Just get 2 -40"s and you'll be very happy.

Skimmerking 02-22-2009 09:41 PM

ya i know now i have a new 6080 to sell and a 6000 with controller and 2 maxi flows to sell to put the money towards the vortechs

PFoster 02-23-2009 07:04 PM

We just got the pumps uploaded onto our webpage if you would like to see their prices.

And we would be happy to post them here as well

VorTech MP20 $349.95
VorTech MP40w $495.95
VorTech Battery Backup $219.95

Dont forget, we have free shipping on the MP20's and MP40w!

PFoster 03-14-2009 04:47 AM

Please note that due to the very high demand of the MP40W's we are currently sold out BUT we are expecting another order by March 20th!

We still have MP20's and Battery Backups available in stock and ready to ship to you tomorrow.

kasha 03-17-2009 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by PFoster (Post 399342)
Please note that due to the very high demand of the MP40W's we are currently sold out BUT we are expecting another order by March 20th!

We still have MP20's and Battery Backups available in stock and ready to ship to you tomorrow.

If I want 2 pumps in my aquarium to run in sync and ant sync mode, is it enough t have 1 40 and 1 20 or do I need 2 40s?


parkinsn 03-17-2009 09:38 PM

Im not sure that they are compatible with each other. As for 2 x 40 or 2 x 20 what size is your tank? They move a lot of water, but they are money well spent.

xtreme 03-17-2009 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by parkinsn (Post 400443)
Im not sure that they are compatible with each other. As for 2 x 40 or 2 x 20 what size is your tank? They move a lot of water, but they are money well spent.

Correct, the 20's are not wireless.

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