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bill_e 02-18-2009 05:54 AM

do i need r/o water when cycling
hope this isint to stupid of a question ? this is my "first" saltwater tank of soon to be many.i have looked all through this site, but cant seem to find anything on this subject.thanks in advance

GreenSpottedPuffer 02-18-2009 05:58 AM

If you are going to use it in the future, then I would use it right away. Although when I have set up FOWLR tanks in the past, I have never had problems using Vancouver tap water since the TDS is so low to begin with. Just make sure you use a good dechlorinizer like Prime. And mix the water a day in advance. Tap water is really not a big deal for FOWLR tanks IME as long as you get rid of the chlorine and heavy metals...

bill_e 02-18-2009 02:57 PM

thanks ..

Myka 02-18-2009 03:14 PM

I agree with GSP, but only for FOWLR tanks. Reef tanks are a different story.

bill_e 02-18-2009 03:19 PM

yeah i plan on sticking with fowlr for awhile .probably wont switch over to reef untill "i" think i no every thing to no about fowlr..

GreenSpottedPuffer 02-18-2009 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by bill_e (Post 389726)
yeah i plan on sticking with fowlr for awhile .probably wont switch over to reef untill "i" think i no every thing to no about fowlr..

Then you may want to go with RO/DI. If you use tapwater for long enough, phosphates are going to build up inside the LR...again, not a big deal for a FOWLR but you won't want that if you are switching the tank to a reef. Just something to consider.

digital-audiophile 02-18-2009 07:49 PM

I would avoid the phosphate build up from the start even in a FOWLR. Over time you will just end up fighting algae issues with tap water, no matter how good the TDS may seem, 0 is the target. :)

bill_e 02-18-2009 08:16 PM

hey gsp do you no where i can get a cheap r/o unit from ??cheap as possible.

Madreefer 02-18-2009 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by bill_e (Post 389796)
hey gsp do you no where i can get a cheap r/o unit from ??cheap as possible.

If your looking to save money than buy a used one. You'll regret it if you buy cheap. With RO's you really do get what you pay for. When you switch over to a reef tank you'll be glad you got a good one. You just need RO and no DI. For the meantime just but RO water from Save-On or Canadian Springs $2/5Gallons. I bought my RO unit from Aquatic Addictions in Abbotsford

Myka 02-18-2009 11:21 PM

Personally I think you can cheap ou on RO/'s all the same cartridges, it's just the build quality that is different. Check out ebay and You can always add the DI chamber later on if you want to deflect some cost for now.

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