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PFisher 02-14-2009 03:59 PM

280g At the Office
We are doing a bunch of renovations at work and have decided to put in a 280gal reef tank. Since I have been running a 30g at home for several years they are looking to me for advice, but there is a big difference between a 30 and a 280. I have been looking through the forum and have gleaned many ideas, but still have a few questions.

My main question is about the water changes, a 10% change on my 30 is simple enough with a few buckets but I don't want to be mixing 30 gallons of water at the office in buckets. Does anyone have a setup where a water change is a matter of turning a couple of valves? We are changing everything so things like plumbing in a drain and water for an RO unit are easy options.

My second question is on the refugium volume. How big does it need to be for a 280?

Once we get to the install stage I will be sure to post several pictures.

Thanks in advance.

Rbacchiega 02-14-2009 04:08 PM

The easiest way, for me anyways, is to "T" off your drain line. One leads to the sump, the other to the drain. That will take care of the taking out part. Then you could have a resevoir filled with mixed water and a pump. Once you've drained enough tank water, turn the valve so that all water is directed back to the sump. Turn on the pump that moves freshly mixed saltwater into the display and you should be good to go.

Mind you, I'm not sure how much room you have to work with.

In terms of fuge size. On a 280 if you have room for a 50-75 gallon fuge you'd be laughing...

PFisher 02-14-2009 05:06 PM

That is quite a bit easier that anything I had in mind. Thank you.

Rbacchiega 02-14-2009 05:30 PM

simplicity is the key my friend hahaha. The fancier you make it, the more chances there are for things to mess up.

Tom R 02-14-2009 07:57 PM

I am using 45G food quality drums for water top off and water change. with the use of pumps in the drums for mixing and moving I can do a 45G water change in about 15 minutes without lifting, carrying or spilling.

Tom R

Boomboy 02-14-2009 08:00 PM

look how many buckets of salt you have, what kind is that?

e46er 02-14-2009 08:23 PM

here is a picture that i found on here cant remember whose it was but wish id seen it before i had my tank all setup and plumbed
seems about as spillfree and easy as it could possibly get especially at work

Tom R 02-14-2009 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Boomboy (Post 388180)
look how many buckets of salt you have, what kind is that?

I use Instant Ocean and those are empty. I usually buy 4 buckets on during boxing day sales and that will do me for the year. I also add both mag and ca to bring the IO salt up to the required levels.

Tom R

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