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Rbacchiega 02-06-2009 06:18 PM

Foxface watch 2009
Alright, so I've had this little bugger for over two weeks and have seen him out...three times maybe (ooooh, 4..he's out right now) long did it take your guys' foxface to settle in and swim around?

I'm adding a Kole tang tomorrow. That should help, shouldn't it?

BCOrchidGuy 02-06-2009 06:49 PM

When I had a fox face it was out right away, I had it with a small sailfin tang. Together they kept my 90 gallon spotless. I've always liked fox faces.


Pan 02-06-2009 06:52 PM

When I had my Magnificent it took 3 weeks before he was comfortable out in the open, even after 4 months he didn't like sudden movements near the tank, after that he was fine. I think a lot depends on the fish with them.

Rbacchiega 02-06-2009 07:01 PM

great, so it seems my little guy is ultra shy. The only fish in there are two cardinals, a sand sifting goby and then this guy. Hopefully with the addition of a active, open swimmer, I'll draw him out...*shakes fist*

GreenSpottedPuffer 02-06-2009 07:07 PM

My Blue Spotted Rabbitfish was incredibly shy for a month or so. Now he is incredibly friendly...too friendly for a fish will poisonous spines :neutral: He has stung me three times now :sad:

Carmen 02-06-2009 07:10 PM

My foxface is and always has been out infront and first out for food, however cowers and camos when ever we have a visitor. Perhaps nori out infront will give him more incentive to come out?? Mine loves picking at the nori.

Frenchie 02-06-2009 07:15 PM

My foxface hid for two days but was very active after that. Does he have lots of hiding places? I've heard that helps them feel secure.

Great fish! definatly one of my favs.

Lance 02-06-2009 07:26 PM

What have you got for dither fish? Some fish are much more comfortable when there a few other fish out in the open.

hillegom 02-06-2009 07:42 PM

My foxface was shy for a couple of days, but now he is in the open all the time. Love him! Got rid of all my nuisance algae and keeps it in check. Eats everything I drop in as well.

Rbacchiega 02-06-2009 07:46 PM

not much in the way of dither fish Lance, which is why I'm hoping the tang will draw him out tomorrow. Lots of nooks and crannys he can chill in. When he's out he's actively picking on the algae on the rocks and in the corners, but I'll definately try the nori as well.

Thanks guys

ps - weird how I consider all my fish to be male unless I know for sure...

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