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Mike Olson 01-08-2009 12:07 AM

Fish and corals in Abbotsford
I am going to be moving my 180g downstairs...a big reno! I will not be able to keep my fishes or my corals...they will be available by Sunday. The majority of my fishes have been with me for over 2yrs...some 4yrs. I have
1- Large Regal (hippo) tang $25 ***sold to Curtis
1- Large Powder Blue tang $30****sold to Ron
5- Lyretail Anthias(1 male) $10 each****sold to tangdaddy
2- Med.Green Chromis (more blueish in color) $5 each
1- Cleaner Wrasse $5 ***sold to Ron
1- Large yellow 4 spot Wrasse $20****sold to Tangman
2-mated pair Clarkii Clowns $30/pr.***sold to Ryan7
1-med./large Red brain $30***sold to Ron
1-med. green brain $20***sold to Cameron
1-pink tip plate coral $25***sold to Tangman
1- donut $20***sold to Cameron
Some kenya softies/colts
Pink zoos ***sold to badphish
I am not getting out...just need to make the move downstairs!

BadPhish 01-08-2009 12:17 AM

pm sent

BadPhish 01-08-2009 12:44 AM

Got pics of the clowns?

Mike Olson 01-08-2009 12:54 AM

I will try to get some pics by thursday of everything
Just too busy! Right now I am recouping from two cracked ribs yesterday!

BadPhish 01-08-2009 12:58 AM


wisesam 01-08-2009 12:59 AM

how large are your tangs?

Mike Olson 01-08-2009 01:11 AM

Around 4" long
There might be some pics of them in my gallery...older pics

seanoman 01-08-2009 01:23 AM

Pm sent

tang daddy 01-08-2009 03:51 AM

pm box is full so I'll just leave it on here.

Just a quick question but how long have you kept the anthias and what are they eating thanks.

Also my freind has been looking for a pair of mated clownfish for awhile now could you put them on hold for me thanks. 90% sure he will take them and were not gonna waste your time thanks.


Ryan7 01-08-2009 03:53 AM

Your inbox is full,

Are the clowns laying eggs? If so I will take them.

Let me know,


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