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VFX 01-06-2009 12:12 AM

Somebody dropped a Gummy Bear in my tank!!! (or actually, Frogfish advice needed!)
Well, that how it looks from a distance! :mrgreen:

This little guy is about an inch long.

Does any one have any tips to get him feeding?

How long does it take to get them eating?

What are you feeding yours?

I feel like an idiot waving a piece of silverside on a wooden skewer & him ignoring me! :redface:


Jason McK 01-06-2009 12:15 AM

Took mine nearly 3 weeks before it ate. I just feed it silversides. Try just the heads and make it wiggle like a fish LOL. They are so much fun


LeeR 01-06-2009 12:34 AM

feed mine silversides too. but 1 inch is probably to small for silversides. It probably eats pods.

Delphinus 01-06-2009 12:35 AM

Oh man gorgeous. Where did you pick him up from? I'd love to pick one of those up.

I've been bugging Ian to send me a picture of the one he has (had?) for sale for nearly a month now. PLEASE TELL ME IT'S NOT THE SAME ONE?? :lol:

VFX 01-06-2009 12:48 AM

Jason - I remember you telling me to wiggle the silversides like it's still alive so I tried it but he's stubbornly ignoring me (my g/f thinks weird trying to re-animate a dead fish! :mrgreen:)

Maybe I need to buck up my animation skills...

"be the fish... be the fish..."

Machete - you might be right about his size making him not want the silversides.

Trouble is my tank has very little pods as I've set up my QT especially for him and there's little in the way of LR.

Tony - I got him from Big Al's in Burnaby. I don't normally go in there but came away from there yesterday having spent about $100.

I've been wanting one for ages & this one was way too nice to resist!


LeeR 01-06-2009 01:14 AM

hmm well maybe just keep trying everyday... my first froggy took me about 2 and a half weeks... then he ate like a pig, the one i have now ate within 2 days.

michika 01-06-2009 03:45 AM

It looks tangerine flavored, maybe with a bit of mango thrown in!

Nice addition though!

Trigger Man 01-06-2009 04:07 AM

Nice, I saw a orange and white one at Golds a while back, probably a inch and a bit. For feedings they would feed it small live minnows. They would hook the tail and let the minnow swim infront of it's mouth.

VFX 01-06-2009 05:25 PM

My Long Nose Butterfly obviously has a taste for tangerine/mango flavoured gummy bears :(

Keeps sticking his beak in the LR where the Frogfish hides and nipping at him.

I might set up a tank especially for the gummy bear.

What's the smallest sized tank I could get away with?

10g? 15g? 20g? bigger?

Meanwhile, I'm still trying to entice the little dude with silverside but he's still not interested.

Maybe he'll feel more up to eating once there's no Long Nose bugging him.


Delphinus 01-06-2009 06:21 PM

A butterfly of all things :neutral:

I don't see why a smaller tank like a 10g or 20g couldn't work for the time being. I think the max size of these guys are around 10-15cm, so eventually he'd probably need to move on up, but if your guy is only 1" it seems to me he'd fit fine in a nano for the time being. (It will be easier to target feed him in a nano too...)

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