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Rbacchiega 12-29-2008 10:04 PM

Bedroom Tanks??
Do you have one?

We've been tossing the idea up in the air for quite a while, and I think we're going to go with one...

levi1803 12-29-2008 10:10 PM

I like mine being in my room, so my roommate can't see me looking into it at night with my blue flashlight and my yellow glasses lol. I'm not bothered by noise at all though, but have a feeling some of the noises might bother people. Don't get a pistol shrimp if it does, trust me on that one.

fishoholic 12-29-2008 10:15 PM

I couldn't stand the noise of one in my bedroom, so no bedroom tank for me.

Rbacchiega 12-29-2008 10:18 PM

I've been considering one...and frankly I'm pretty sure we're going to. 75 gallon display with herbie style overflows, 30 gallon sump with a 20 gallon fuge. T5 lighting...strictly LPS

LeeR 12-29-2008 10:40 PM

herbie, eheim return and a tunze nano skimmer.. hardly a hum

Johnny Reefer 12-29-2008 10:42 PM

My 180 FOWLR is in my bedroom. I have a pistol in there, too. I like it. It snaps a couple of times every hour?...hour and a half? Never timed it. As for the other get used to it. Except for when something is outa whack. Like the impeller on one of the MaxiJets I have running. Need to replace that soon.

Pleasant dreams :sleeping:,

levi1803 12-29-2008 11:03 PM

Yeah I kind of like listening to the pistol make his little noises, that's the only way I know he's still in there actually, never see the little bugger.

bignose 12-29-2008 11:18 PM

Had my nano in my room before I moved. I liked to look at it before I went to bed.

Trigger Man 12-29-2008 11:24 PM

I thought about it, but I'm a really light sleeper so in the end had my second tank in my home office.

ElGuappo 12-30-2008 12:22 AM

I have always had a tank in the br as i find the sounds soothing as i sometimes have issues falling asleep.

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